Friday, August 5, 2011

Love him

A few weekends ago Chad took a much needed "guys day" and took the boat out with his friend Jason. The young single adults just happened to be at the same lake that day so they took some of them for rides too.
One of Chad's friends snapped these photos and posted them on facebook and I just couldn't resist sharing them here. I am usually not a gushy-i-love-my-husband kind of person on this blog but can I just say, that these pictures reminded me why I fell in love with this guy.

He is outgoing, confident, handsome and so nice to everyone he meets.
Not to mention a great wake boarder!

So for once I am going to gush and brag a little about my husband because he is amazing and you know what, I just don't say it enough!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! And I love your gushy post about your hubby, he is the best! Chad really is one of the most genuine, friendly and caring people I have ever met. Good for you for giving him a guys day out and then telling him how much you love him.
