I'll be honest, when they brought you home from the hospital, I thought you might be another stuffed animal for me to rip up. But they got really mad when I tried to get too close so I figured you had to be something else. Then I realized after a week that mom and dad loved you a lot and the only way I was going to get any attention was if I was close to you. So I figured I would see if I liked you and get to know you a little. Then I licked your foot for the first time and you tasted good. That's about all it took to convince me, I like people pretty easy.
I got pretty worried when you cried in your room and it puzzled me why mom and dad let you cry sometimes. But don't worry I had your back. I would sit outside your room and even sneak in it sometimes if they left the door open, until you stopped crying.
And now I think you're pretty cool. So I like to lay by you whenever you are on the floor. You know just to make sure you have something to entertain you so you don't cry.

I guess you can stick around for another few months if you want to.
Love, Oliver
I love this! It almost makes me wish I had a dog for my kids (ALMOST)! They are so cute together! And my little angel of a niece is growing up too fast! She is getting chunkier too! I love it ;)