Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Since we've been back

This was our first week back in Cali. This is my mom, brother and younger sister.

Cody, being silly and wearing a cowboy hat he took from one of his friends. I had to snap a picture.

Oliver got a new cage. He actually likes it...most of the time.

My little sister Ariana spent our first weekend back with us because my mom drove to Utah for her 30th high school reunion. She and Oliver fell asleep on the couch after a long day of playing. Oliver is hard to see because he is so small but he is there.

Chad playing video games. Our brother-in-law Bobby has a a huge TV with a couple of video games systems (not sure which ones) so Chad has enjoyed having them in the house. We have never had any video games in our house since we've been married and I like it that way. But I don't mind him playing them once and a while.

That same weekend we also went to a Modesto Nuts games. Ariana's friend had a birthday party and invited the three of us to come. They had these huge bouncy slides there for the girls to play on.

Walk in the Park

We live right across the street from a nice park so we often take Oliver there on walks. He loves the park.

I swear we are not choking him! He wouldn't let go of the rope and we thought it was funny.

Swimming at Aunt Debbie's

My Aunt Debbie had a wonderful pool in her backyard and has been so nice as to let us use it whenever we want. We took Oliver and Ariana there the first weekend we were back. We had only been there about 5 minutes when we heard a splash and saw brown fur in the pool. Oliver had jumped in all by himself and was swimming back to the steps. He wasn't big enough to get over the steps so we had to get him out. He wouldn't get back in again because he was afraid.

We all took turns with Oliver in the chair.

The Lake- New Melones

It was Oliver's first boat ride and he loved it..ok he slept most of the time but he didn't seem to mind it.

We got out to the lake and were putting the plug in when we noticed that the belt on the alternator was loose. It took us a while to fix but we did. Thanks to all the engine-minded guys we had with us.

Chad wakeboarding:

So did his speedo. Yeah.

Chad's cousing Sam kneeboarding:

Oliver sleeping:

Chad's friend Jordan Haueter doing something with the flag....He was bored...or tired.

Who was there:

Jordan and Cody's friend Cole.


This is random...but I thought I would include what my day or lunchtime looks like at work...Lunchtime is the best time of the day. Ceasar salad and cheescake...what could be better??

Our temporary backyard is a Jungle!

Enough said...

Oliver likes it

Across Nevada

Moving is not that fun but we had so many friends and family to help us. So thank you to everyone that helped us move! Especially my dad and Cody who drove all the way to Utah to help us move. I just had to post this picture. This is sweet little Dixie, Chad's niece and Oliver asleep after a long day of packing and moving. This was our first time meeting Dixie and we couldn't help but fall in love. We are so sad that we won't be living in the same state...again. Jill and Phil, Chad's sister and brother-in-law, moved to Utah the same weekend we were moving to California. The ironic thing is that when we moved to Utah two years ago they were living in Utah and moved back to California. So we haven't lived in the same state together!

Everything is gone...we were not sad to move out of our little dinky apartment!

We were a little worried about how Oliver would do on a 12 hour car ride but he did so good! He had fun playing and honestly slept most of the time.

Mid-bite. He likes to bit...a lot. He must be a normal puppy.

We had to stop more than we wanted to....Oliver had a small bladder. This picture is really hilarious to me because Chad is getting a little... annoyed... shall we say...because Oliver is just playing and not going to the bathroom. Eventually he did after he was done playing with bushes.


Car rides are fun...sometimes. This one really wasn't bad because we broke up the drive.

Hot August Nights

This is a tradition of sorts with my dad and my brother and I. We used to go every year but I hadn't been for about 3 years probably. So we decided to stop in Reno and go on our way back to California. Definition: Hot August Nights: Car show in Reno that is fun for about an hour and then gets boring, unless there is shopping. Ha Ok so maybe I am overexagerating. It is fun and I like looking at cars but it does get tiring. But we really did have fun. The hotel was a bit of a challenge with Oliver, but we managed to figure it out.
This is my dad and my step-mom Micki. It was also their anniversary weekend. The year before they had gotten married in Reno at Hot August Nights.

Chad and I.

Cutest picture ever. While we were out walking looking at cars, Oliver got tired so I put him in my ginormous purse and he fell asleep. I am really not going to be one of those ladies who puts her dog in her purse all the time, I promise.

Oliver also likes to sleep here...on Chad's neck.

This is the first place he would go when he wanted to lay in bed with us. Chad doesn't seem to mind.

Hot August Nights was fun and it was really nice spending some quality time with my dad and Micki!

Oliver Update

Here are a few random pictures of our cute little dog. He is so much fun and always brings us a smile. We love him!! There are more picture of him in the posts to come, these are just random ones that don't really relate to anything else.
So I had this little bean bag weiner dog that I gave to Oliver. He mostly bites it but I managed to catch him cuddling with it. Cute. Enough said.

Before we left, we went to Sugarhouse park and played.

He sleeps in very wierd places and wouldn't wake up if you yelled in his ear.

Our final weeks in Utah...


Nichole, Brielle and I went swimming at the Lehi pool a few weeks before Chad and I left. We had so much fun! Brielle loves the water and is just a joy to be with. I miss her so much already and it has only been 3 weeks. She liked to splash and often splashed herself as you can see in the picture below.

Me and Brielle

Mama and daughter

This picture was just too precious not to post. Can you tell Nichole loves her baby?

After the swim, B got down to her diaper and we had some fun playing on the couch. She loves to be hit (softly) with the pillows and fall back on the couch. Here she is trying to get away from her mom.

Not sure what she was thinking here but obviously something very important.

And here is a video of Brielle swimming/crawling! So cute. Love you Nichole, Brielle and Chase! Nichole this post is for you. Sorry it has taken me so long. I promise to not let that happen again!

Grandma's BBQ

One of the last Saturdays we were in Utah, my Grandma threw a BBQ at her house in Clearfield. Many aunts, uncles and cousins were there. My uncle marshall and his two girls came to Utah from California so we got to see them which was fun. This was Brielle's first time meeting Oliver and she just adored long as he didn't try to lick her. She did not like that!

"Where is Oliver?"

"Aunt Clair, where is Oliver?"

We all hung out in the backyard for a while. It was fun. This is My Uncle Marshall (in the red) his two girls, my Uncle Brian and a few of his kids. We love them all! They are so fun.

The girls.
