Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Giants game adventure?

So we did in fact got to a Giants game last night. Let me just tell you a little about our night. {Oh and it really was fun...just putting that out there before I get slightly negative.} {Oh and of course I left my camera in my purse in the car like I always of course no pictures.} So I drove home from work and everybody was waiting for me. So I changed and jumped in the van where everyone was waiting. We left at around 5:30. So we get on the 99 and just start coming to the Pleasanton/Dublin area. We have almost made it over the hill and into the next valley. Side note: Chad's cousin sam, his two friends, Chad's brother Jake and his friend are all in another car behind us. His cousin and friends are all from Idaho and are just visiting.

So...we were just relaxing, excited to go to the Giants game and were getting anxious to be there already. Michelle, who is driving is on her blue tooth and all of sudden says, "they almost just got in an accident" (referring to the car behind us filled with the other half of our family.) Just after that a hispanic man in a green Toyato drives on the right side of us. He is in a big hurry and is smiling from ear to ear like he just won an award. Someone says, "thats the guy that almost caused the accident!" We were all mad and saying mean things to him like he could hear us. Then he slows down and gets on the left side of us and speeds off into the sunset. No one thought to get his license plate number because after all he only almost caused an accident. Well literally 1 minute later, Sam calls from the other car and says we're tryin to catch up to that guy becuase he made us hit another car.

So yeah, he actually did cause an accident. It was minor luckily and the two cars only barely touched but it was enough. Well the guy was long gone so both cars in our party pulled over along with the other car that got hit on the side of the 99. The other car wanted to call the police and get a report becuase it was a company car. So we were already running late for the game and were all starving, but we had to wait an hour for a policeman to finally arrive. Then the guy actually didn't even end up filing a report becuase if he did we (the other car) would actually be at fault. Yeah...that's California for you. So we finally leave and head to San Fran about the time the game is starting. We finally get there an hour and a half late which really didn't turn out to bad. Sometimes baseball games can drag on (sorry like this post).

Ok so skip past all the intense baseball playing. We leave for back home around midnight and don't get back to our house untul after 1:30 AM. So I really didn't think this whole getting no sleep thing through when we said we wanted to go to the baseball game. I an now on about 5 1/2 hours of sleep which is no good for me. Oh and wait, it gets better. About 6 Am this morning our smoke detector in our room starting beeping. Loud and annoying. So Chad gets out of bed and changes batteries and unhooks and no luck. Finally it stops with maybe about 1/2 an hour to spare until I have to get up. That was my night.

Okay so I had fun at the game...once I ate. This post is funny and annoying but mostly saying sorry to my husband for my bad mood last night. I thought if the experience was written down my bad mood might be exused a little. Maybe? Maybe not. At least it is an advenute to share with you. Hope you think its funny...because I didn't last night.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ramble time...

I haven't posted in a while and I hate when it's been weeks and I have nothing new to post about. So this will be one big long ramble about everything that has been going on in our lives.

1. Tonight Chad and I will be going to a Giant's game. I am not a super sports fan but I do like going to a live game once and a while. DO NOT like watching sports on TV. It just bores me...everyone in our household loves watching sports on TV so I have been around it a lot lately and its not my favorite, but I am excited about the game tonight. Chad's dad managed to score 12 tickets from someone at work so the whole gang is headed to San Fran after work. Yay!

2. We are finally going to the temple on Friday and we are really excited. We haven't been since we moved and it has been way too long. We can always feel a difference in our lives when we haven't been to the temple. What makes it even greater is the fact that we are going with our families. Yes...plural. Bobby & Emily, Michelle & Tony (chad's parents) & Tracy & Tracy (my parents) are all going.

3. It has been so wonderful to be in California and so near to our families. We spend every day with at least one of our family members. We live with Chad's parents right now to we see a lot of his family. Never a dull moment, thats for sure. We also spend a lot of time with my Dad, stepmom Micki, and brother Cody.

We have eaten out together...Fresh's a buffett style restaurant. That was a funny experience to say the least. Right after we got there a bus load of European travelers came in. Yeah so let me just tell you about one guy and you will understand the humor in the situation. He was wearing very short cut off jeans with a tank top and a fanny pack. Enough said.
We also went to a very interesting store in a neaby city one saturday with my dad and micki. It was a sort of Mexican outdoor decore and pottery store. Hard to explain. But Micki got some cool decorative suns to put in the backyard. My dad and Micki have recently been doing some long needed landscaping and it looks really fantastic. I will have to post some pictures of it later. For now here is Oliver playing/biting the water/sprinklers in my dads front yard.

We also see my mom, stepdad and sister Ariana a lot too. I go to my mom's house for lunch often because I work only minutes away. It has been nice to just spend time with her a little each day and talk and catch up. We haven't been able to do that in a couple years so its great. We also go to their house every other Monday for FHE.
I taught the lesson last night and I just thought I would share my lesson. I based it around Luke 7:47: Wherfore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little. Just think about is pretty cool.
What i've missed about California...

(soooo good)
(okay, so they have this in Utah...but people look at you weird if you drink Starbucks in Utah)

I've definitely missed other things...just can't think of them now but these two were on my mind.

I will definitely post more soon...Our Giants game adventure and our trip to the temple. Oh and we will be going to Monterey in another couple weeks and will also be seeing Brand New (my favorite band) in concert that same definitely look foreward to that...I know I am!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Digging, sleeping and eating

A few thing we did this was a relaxing fun weekend.

We dug in the front yard...ok Oliver dug in the front yard and we watched. And when I say front yard I mean my dad's front yard. Side note: My dad hasn't had grass in his front yard for oh about 8 or 9 years now. Literally. I guess it just got pushed on the back burner and stayed there for a while. Well I think Micki finally had enough so they are getting grass! So Saturday my dad and brother put a whole bunch of new top siol in the front yard along with a new Olive tree to also be planted in the front yard. Chad, Olive and I were there when they brought the tree home. Oliver smelled something on the bottom of the planter that the olive tree was planted in and started digging furiously to find it. He got dirty but he had so much fun. It was his first digging experience and I hope it won't get to out control in the future when we have our own yard for him to dig in.

We also slept. duh. We usually do that everyweekend. I just decided to blog about it now because Oliver is very cute when he is wrapped in a blanket trying to sleep. He is probably a little annoyed with me flashing bright lights in his eyes trying to get the perfect picture. He looks a little annoyed...the one eye open thing gave it away for me.

We also ate...or rather dined. Unfortunately Oliver had an appointment in his cage for this one so he was not able to make it. We really hadn't seen my dad's side of the family since we moved back so we all decided to go to dinner together. From left to right: Unlce Ken, Aunt Debbie, Cody, Micki, Dad, Chad, Me, Aunt Sue and Unlce Dave. I love my family. We spent the night eating great Italian Food at Strings and laughing hysterically at funny things everyone was saying. They really are great family and I am so glad to be back in Modesto so we can have these get together more often!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Olivers last few weeks

Olive is definitely a puppy. He likes to bit, chew, play, sleep and eat. Those are his five favorite activities. But we just have so much fun with him. We are really greatful to have so many other people in our house right now that can help us take care of him. It would be near to impossible otherwise. Chad and I both work during the days so either Michelle (chad's mom) or Chad's siblings will let him out of his cage to go to the bathroom or get some exercise. Needless to say he is always so happy to see me or Chad, whichever gets home first. He is a really active puppy. Some of his favorite things are:
Chewing: in his defense, our sheets were already pretty old and were starting to wear through in some parts, so I think they were ready to go anyways.

Chewing some more: A book my mother-in-law let me borrow. We didn't realize he was doing it until it was already too late. At least it didn't affect the words.

He really loves dryer sheets and always seems to find an endless supply under the couch.

And last but not least...Waterbottles: He just loves them. He will pick this over any of the toys we have bought him. Finally Michelle put his name on one so he would stop chewing on everyone's waterbottles. If you click on the picture you can see his name.

This is a dog classic...chasing his tail. It's pretty funny.

Cabin Weekend

We went to our cabin this weekend. It is about 5 mintes above Dodge Ridge. It was really fun. There is just something relaxing about being in the mountains away from eveything. Utah mountains and California mountains are so different. It's really funny. California mountains are what I grew up with so they will always be my favorite. We went up Saturday morning and took the Jeep. Cody and his friend Cole drove up with us. My dad had some of his friends up there as well. Bob and Maria, who we owned our first cabin with came, along with their two dogs. Gracie is a Boxer and Jack is a Jack Russel terrier. Oliver got so scared of the dogs when we first got there that he peed from terror! He has never done that before. Poor thing. But he really didn't have anything to be afraid of. The dogs were both nice and gentle with him. Here is Gracie and Oliver playing. She was a really nice dog and beautiful too. I couldn't get a good picture because they were running around the whole cabin. Oliver kept hiding under the coffe table and Gracie would just wait until he came out. It was adorable.

When we got settled Chad and I took the ranger out for a little drive in the woods. It was a really nice day and the weather was just perfect. It was really nice for Chad and I to get the weekend away together. I love three day weekends!

This is where we went four wheeling... It doesn't look like much but it was pretty steep.

Beautiful views.

Chad...of course his eyes are closed. But he's still good looking...even with his eyes closed.

That night we went to the Dardanelle's which is about 20 minutes farther North of our cabin. The Dardanelle's holds a lot of memories for both of us. Chad's great uncle owned the Dardanelle's (basically a grocery store and cabins that are rented our) for a long time. And my family used to go there all the time snowmobiling when I was younger. It's just a fun place to be. We BBQed hamburgers and hot dogs. Then we just hung out and socialized.

This is my dad and his long time friend Don. Don is building his cabin right next to ours. They had a band play later that night but Cody, Cole, Chad and I headed back to the cabin to watch a movie instead.

We stayed Saturday night and woke up Sunday and made breakfast together. You can't go to the cabin and not fix a huge delicious breakfast. It's tradition. Then Chad, Cody, Cole and I headed out with the Jeep and the Ranger to do a little four wheeling. It was a blast! Unfortunately we were behind the ranger and it was so dusty. So by the time we were done I was another color from all the dirt. Yuck! We stopped at a couple places to take some pics.

The Jeep doesn't do well with we've learned. So the guys got the Ranger and pulled this log out of the way for us to pass. The Ranger may look small but it has a lot of power!

All gone...

Chad and Oliver after a long day of playing and four wheeling. They like to sleep... a lot. Especially Oliver.

It was so nice to be able to go to the cabin again! We've really missed it these last 2 years! Thanks Dad for building us a home away from home.