Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Giants game adventure?

So we did in fact got to a Giants game last night. Let me just tell you a little about our night. {Oh and it really was fun...just putting that out there before I get slightly negative.} {Oh and of course I left my camera in my purse in the car like I always of course no pictures.} So I drove home from work and everybody was waiting for me. So I changed and jumped in the van where everyone was waiting. We left at around 5:30. So we get on the 99 and just start coming to the Pleasanton/Dublin area. We have almost made it over the hill and into the next valley. Side note: Chad's cousin sam, his two friends, Chad's brother Jake and his friend are all in another car behind us. His cousin and friends are all from Idaho and are just visiting.

So...we were just relaxing, excited to go to the Giants game and were getting anxious to be there already. Michelle, who is driving is on her blue tooth and all of sudden says, "they almost just got in an accident" (referring to the car behind us filled with the other half of our family.) Just after that a hispanic man in a green Toyato drives on the right side of us. He is in a big hurry and is smiling from ear to ear like he just won an award. Someone says, "thats the guy that almost caused the accident!" We were all mad and saying mean things to him like he could hear us. Then he slows down and gets on the left side of us and speeds off into the sunset. No one thought to get his license plate number because after all he only almost caused an accident. Well literally 1 minute later, Sam calls from the other car and says we're tryin to catch up to that guy becuase he made us hit another car.

So yeah, he actually did cause an accident. It was minor luckily and the two cars only barely touched but it was enough. Well the guy was long gone so both cars in our party pulled over along with the other car that got hit on the side of the 99. The other car wanted to call the police and get a report becuase it was a company car. So we were already running late for the game and were all starving, but we had to wait an hour for a policeman to finally arrive. Then the guy actually didn't even end up filing a report becuase if he did we (the other car) would actually be at fault. Yeah...that's California for you. So we finally leave and head to San Fran about the time the game is starting. We finally get there an hour and a half late which really didn't turn out to bad. Sometimes baseball games can drag on (sorry like this post).

Ok so skip past all the intense baseball playing. We leave for back home around midnight and don't get back to our house untul after 1:30 AM. So I really didn't think this whole getting no sleep thing through when we said we wanted to go to the baseball game. I an now on about 5 1/2 hours of sleep which is no good for me. Oh and wait, it gets better. About 6 Am this morning our smoke detector in our room starting beeping. Loud and annoying. So Chad gets out of bed and changes batteries and unhooks and no luck. Finally it stops with maybe about 1/2 an hour to spare until I have to get up. That was my night.

Okay so I had fun at the game...once I ate. This post is funny and annoying but mostly saying sorry to my husband for my bad mood last night. I thought if the experience was written down my bad mood might be exused a little. Maybe? Maybe not. At least it is an advenute to share with you. Hope you think its funny...because I didn't last night.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that guy. I can't stand impatient drivers. They drive me nuts.

    I hope there wasn't too much damager to the cars.

    Glad you got to go to the game though. Sorry you were so tried after. Thanks to that stupid smoke detector. At least you know it works.
