We went to our cabin this weekend. It is about 5 mintes above Dodge Ridge. It was really fun. There is just something relaxing about being in the mountains away from eveything. Utah mountains and California mountains are so different. It's really funny. California mountains are what I grew up with so they will always be my favorite. We went up Saturday morning and took the Jeep. Cody and his friend Cole drove up with us. My dad had some of his friends up there as well. Bob and Maria, who we owned our first cabin with came, along with their two dogs. Gracie is a Boxer and Jack is a Jack Russel terrier. Oliver got so scared of the dogs when we first got there that he peed from terror! He has never done that before. Poor thing. But he really didn't have anything to be afraid of. The dogs were both nice and gentle with him. Here is Gracie and Oliver playing. She was a really nice dog and beautiful too. I couldn't get a good picture because they were running around the whole cabin. Oliver kept hiding under the coffe table and Gracie would just wait until he came out. It was adorable.
When we got settled Chad and I took the ranger out for a little drive in the woods. It was a really nice day and the weather was just perfect. It was really nice for Chad and I to get the weekend away together. I love three day weekends!
This is where we went four wheeling... It doesn't look like much but it was pretty steep.

Beautiful views.

Chad...of course his eyes are closed. But he's still good looking...even with his eyes closed.

That night we went to the Dardanelle's which is about 20 minutes farther North of our cabin. The Dardanelle's holds a lot of memories for both of us. Chad's great uncle owned the Dardanelle's (basically a grocery store and cabins that are rented our) for a long time. And my family used to go there all the time snowmobiling when I was younger. It's just a fun place to be. We BBQed hamburgers and hot dogs. Then we just hung out and socialized.
This is my dad and his long time friend Don. Don is building his cabin right next to ours. They had a band play later that night but Cody, Cole, Chad and I headed back to the cabin to watch a movie instead.
We stayed Saturday night and woke up Sunday and made breakfast together. You can't go to the cabin and not fix a huge delicious breakfast. It's tradition. Then Chad, Cody, Cole and I headed out with the Jeep and the Ranger to do a little four wheeling. It was a blast! Unfortunately we were behind the ranger and it was so dusty. So by the time we were done I was another color from all the dirt. Yuck! We stopped at a couple places to take some pics.

The Jeep doesn't do well with longs...so we've learned. So the guys got the Ranger and pulled this log out of the way for us to pass. The Ranger may look small but it has a lot of power!

All gone...

Chad and Oliver after a long day of playing and four wheeling. They like to sleep... a lot. Especially Oliver.

It was so nice to be able to go to the cabin again! We've really missed it these last 2 years! Thanks Dad for building us a home away from home.
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