I love my life right now. I really do. I work part time a few days a week but I get to take Afton with me. So it really doesn't seem like work which is my kind of work. But mostly I get to stay home with my baby. And I can't tell you how much our strong bond means to me. You can't know just how much your little bundle of joy means to you until you have had 8 months with her every day and you know each other better than you know the back of your hand.
So for your information (I'm expecting you to take notes by the way) here is a little of what our days look like lately:
During the week days Afton and I will wake up in bed together. Mind you she doesn't sleep all night in our bed- no way Jose. She usually wakes up anywhere from 5:30- 7 am and then sometimes we go back to sleep for an hour or two after I feed her. It's nice because I get to wake up to this...

...or maybe a stretch or two. Love that stretching face...

...and there is usually some eye rubbing going on. She always rubs her eyes when she is tired or just waking up.

Then we get out of bed and Afton will perhaps play in her crib while I get ready for the day.
I have been trying to get her to love this Kitty stuffed animal, conveniently named Kitty by me when I was little. And while she enjoys chewing on kitty's tail she is by no mean infatuated with it...yet. We will keep working on that. I am really hoping to tell her when she is older that she loved that toy the most.

Then Afton will chill on the couch, sometimes in the buff(aka her diaper) and play with whatever I can give her to keep her happy (aka Oliver's leash) while I make our breakfast.

Then she might take a morning nap, thankfully that has been more and more often lately. And when she wakes up VERY refreshed and happy we will play some more.

This is probably one of my all time favorite pictures of her...EVER. This picture portrays her personality perfectly...happy and loving.

On the fun days like last week we will have visitors like my Aunts and Afton gets a break from boring old mom :-)

Then in the afternoon we will usually spend time running errands or working at my dad's office. Afton is always such a trooper on these afternoons. She does amazing in her car seat. As long as she has something to chew on, she's fabulous.

Then daddy finally gets home from work and we have some dinner and playtime. Then it's bath time (and i'll admit this isn't regular every night. Lately she has been getting in the shower with me in the mornings or we skip the bath altogether sometimes. Gasp. Don't worry she's not even crawling so she doesn't get too dirty). And finally bedtime.

The weekend is usually a different story lately we have been gone A LOT. So Afton gets used to napping in her car seat...

or wherever she can really. (This is the floor of my dad's shop.)

Lately we have been spending time seeing family and friends and usually our activities have something to do with water.
We got to meet up with my best friend from high school Blair. Afton was also ALMOST born on Blair's birthday, the day before. So of course Blair always reminds us of that.

Afton stripped down to her diaper and had a little impromptu swim session with Blair.

She loved trying to eat the floaty. What's new?

And of course we spend lots of time at Chad's parents house, usually in the back yard admiring the garden or the chickens. Afton was especially happy when grandpa picked her a special baby carrot from the garden just for her.

And Grandpa Terry is always a favorite for a babysitter. After seeing Harry Potter Chad and I came back to this:

Except just a few moments before this picture grandpa was also sprawled on the floor asleep. I guess the apple never falls far from the tree right?
And Sundays are always my favorite day of the week to spend with this little lady.
We get to:Dress her up in pretty bows/headbands and Sunday dresses.
She gets to: Chew on dad's shoelaces during Church.

We get to: Show her off to everyone at church :-)
She gets to: Chew on her fingers and babble as loudly as she likes during church.

We get to:Cuddle our sleeping baby and listen to the wonderful messages at church.
She gets to: Cuddle with us and have a peaceful nap at church.

Then we go home and...
We get to: go for a lovely walk in our lovely new neighborhood.
She gets to: get pushed around like a princess and eventually fall asleep on our walk.

And that my friends just about sums up our week with the love of our life.
And this picture just about sums up the love our life...

Silly, Silly, Silly! We couldn't love her more!
Way to catch up on your blogging! Love all the new pictures. Afton is so sweet! I love her in that bathing suit! It is too cute! I love the picture of your dad and Afton on the floor snoozing together, it looks like when he would fall asleep with you when you were a baby :)