Friday, May 13, 2011

Books consume me...(My bookshelf Edition #3)

I swear sometimes I feel like books consume my life. I have a book about how to parent and what my diet should be like. A fun fictional book and a long tale of epic bravery and travel. A serious, real-life book. A book turned into a movie that I want to read BEFORE I see the movie. A classic book that I have to read, because, well, it's a classic. A book for a book club. A recommended book. And that book I picked up at Costco because it looked good. Or that book that's been sitting on my shelf for a few months and I really need to read because it's annoying me that I haven't yet. Don't forget the two new books I picked up at Barnes and Nobles today because I really liked another book by that author so this one must be good right? And then there is the daily scripture reading we are all striving towards...right?


If I didn't love reading so much it would drive me completely insane... But alas, I love to read. So a book in every category, color and topic is completely necessary. Because, really, can you ever have too many books? I think not.

I'm pretty sure I am going to call my book problem an addiction. Just like my mom is addicted to buying fabric and my husband power tools I have fallen to a book addiction of all things. But I can't say I hate my addiction or that I ever want it to go away because I don't.
I love the rush I get when I think about all the wonderful lovely books I have waiting on my shelf for me. I love a quite Friday night in reading a book that I can't put down. Or the sad feeling when you ended a book that you loved. Or the excited feeling when a new book comes out you've been waiting months to read.

Who couldn't love all these feelings.
What I am trying to say is, if you aren't a reader, you need to be.
It is fulfilling unlike anything else can be. It can make you happy, sad and angry all in a few hundred pages. You can learn and grow.
And if you are a reader, join the club and enjoy the ride.
It's a good one.

Lately I have read:

1) Hate List by Jennifer Brown- I went a little out of the box on this one. The main idea of the story is the healing of one girl after her boyfriend goes on a shooting rampage at their school. The girl had no idea he was going to do it, but still gets most of the repercussions because her boyfriend shoots himself. I liked it because the dialogue and main character is raw. The author didn't try to sugarcoat it at all. The dad and mom in the book are far from perfect and easy to hate. And the main character still loves her boyfriend even after what he did. It is a surprisingly refreshing point of view. (Not that I read these types of books all the time.) But is just made me think about high school and bullying and how we can ignore problems right under our nose when they don't directly affect us.)
I would give it three stars. There is some swearing so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone very young.

2) Son of Eden- Tales of the Guardian by Brianna Merrill- This was a recommendation by someone else and I just downloaded the nook application on my iphone and have been looking for a cheap book to try out. This was only 99 cents to download so I did. It was worth the 99 cents but it wouldn't have been worth buying. I actually really liked reading by my phone but there is still something about reading an actual book...back to the book. It was just ok. Story line was interesting although a little overdone now a days. But the writing just wasn't developed enough. It was very short for my taste, about 200 pages. And I just couldn't get into the story in that short amount of time.
So sadly, only two stars for Son of Eden.

3)Babywise II by Ezzo and Bucknam- The first babywise helped me a lot. This one, not so much. I didn't really get anything new from it. So maybe that means I'm a super mom and my instinct is enough? I hope so. But maybe this book just didn't have enough content for me.

4) Pawn of Prophecy- Book I of The Belgariad Series by David Eddings- Currently reading this right now. Over half way done. I really like the story. My step-dad recommended it to me. I had a hard time getting past the prologue but the actual story is much different than the prologue so once I picked it up again it went much faster. It feels a little like Lord of the Rings. It is fantasy but not so far out there fantasy that the non-fantasy readers wouldn't like it. It is also very easy to relate to the characters.

Next up:
Jellicoe Road
Before I fall
The Uglies
Animal, Vegtable, Miracle
Water for Elephants
Ender's Shadow
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Count of Monte Cristo

Now if you would please help me stop buying more books, because as you can see I have quite enough to last me through the end of the year...


  1. I LOVE your Bookshelf posts! They inspire me to want to read more every time you add a new post. =D

  2. I loved the Count of Monte Cristo. Have you read the Picture of Dorian Gray yet? Thats on my list to, so I'm curious to hear what you thought
