I swear sometimes I feel like books consume my life. I have a book about how to parent and what my diet should be like. A fun fictional book and a long tale of epic bravery and travel. A serious, real-life book. A book turned into a movie that I want to read BEFORE I see the movie. A classic book that I have to read, because, well, it's a classic. A book for a book club. A recommended book. And that book I picked up at Costco because it looked good. Or that book that's been sitting on my shelf for a few months and I really need to read because it's annoying me that I haven't yet. Don't forget the two new books I picked up at Barnes and Nobles today because I really liked another book by that author so this one must be good right? And then there is the daily scripture reading we are all striving towards...right?
If I didn't love reading so much it would drive me completely insane... But alas, I love to read. So a book in every category, color and topic is completely necessary. Because, really, can you ever have too many books? I think not.
I'm pretty sure I am going to call my book problem an addiction. Just like my mom is addicted to buying fabric and my husband power tools I have fallen to a book addiction of all things. But I can't say I hate my addiction or that I ever want it to go away because I don't.
I love the rush I get when I think about all the wonderful lovely books I have waiting on my shelf for me. I love a quite Friday night in reading a book that I can't put down. Or the sad feeling when you ended a book that you loved. Or the excited feeling when a new book comes out you've been waiting months to read.
Who couldn't love all these feelings.
What I am trying to say is, if you aren't a reader, you need to be.
It is fulfilling unlike anything else can be. It can make you happy, sad and angry all in a few hundred pages. You can learn and grow.
And if you are a reader, join the club and enjoy the ride.
It's a good one.
Lately I have read:
1) Hate List by Jennifer Brown-

I would give it three stars. There is some swearing so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone very young.
2) Son of Eden-

So sadly, only two stars for Son of Eden.
3)Babywise II by Ezzo and Bucknam-

4) Pawn of Prophecy-

Next up:
Jellicoe Road
Before I fall
The Uglies
Animal, Vegtable, Miracle
Water for Elephants
Ender's Shadow
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Count of Monte Cristo

I LOVE your Bookshelf posts! They inspire me to want to read more every time you add a new post. =D
ReplyDeleteI loved the Count of Monte Cristo. Have you read the Picture of Dorian Gray yet? Thats on my list to, so I'm curious to hear what you thought