Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A toe-sucking good time

(First of all, get your mind out of the gutter. Seriously guys, this is a family blog.)

I am constantly amazed by how babies can suck their toe, finger, toy, etc for like half an hour and not get tired of it. Does that amaze anyone else? No? Just me... Well it does.

Afton does like to be held don't get me wrong, but sometimes she is perfectly content just to lay and suck her toe. And it's dang cute if I do say so myself.
My baby constantly amazes me and makes me laugh.
Even if she is just sucking on her toe...

1 comment:

  1. Beckham has yet to suck his toes. At least it keeps her occupied! and I need to read your last post after the kids are in bed since it is a long one. Ha ha!
