Chad's grandpa on his mom's side passed away a couple weeks ago now. Last weekend we made the long treck to Idaho for his memorial service.
The gravesite service was beautiful. Chad's grandpa was in the military so local veterans came and did the military service at the gravesite. They spoke and read a poem about the American flag. They also did a gun salute and played the trumpets. It was very moving. I hadn't ever been to one before and I was very impressed.
Below is the palbearers placing the flag on the casket.
Here are Grandpa Clawson's four daughters. Chad's mom Michelle is second from the right.

The rest of these pictures are from the gravesite service as well. I really love this one.
We also took an opportuniry to take some family pictures while we were all together. Parker(our nephew) really didn't care for taking pictures.
Overall it was a beautiful service and a good time for Chad and his family to commemorate their father and grandfather's life. I didn't really get to know him much at all which is a dissapointment but I still get to hear great stories from Chad. Chad definitely got his sense of humor from his grandpa. We will all miss Grandpa Clawson.
Looks like it was a beautiful service! Sorry for your loss!