I LOVE spring. It really makes me happy.
I love being able to open the door and leave just the screen closed.
I love all of the beautiful flowers just blooming.
I love the feel of sunshine on my skin(finally after the long months of winter!).
And this Spring I have loved making my gardening dreams come true!
(Can you tell I am a tad obsessed with my garden? 3 posts in a month's time. I think so)
I thought I would post a little update on my baby garden.
Look there is finally green in the boxes!

The netting is to keep the pesty cats from digging in my beautiful beds.

The sticks are to remind me what I planted where. Ask Chad, I am one of the most forgetful people you will ever meet. I know the sticks are very fancy. I took a lot of time to stencil and write perfectly what is growing in each row. (by the way, that says carrot. I obviosuly forgot to make this one perfect.)

The Swiss Chard looked a little droopy when I first planted it, but it is lookimg much better now.

This little guy will surely grow into a big strong tomato plant within the coming weeks. I am not a huge fan of tomatoes but I am definitely going to be cooking with them more now that I have homegrown tomatoes. Who doesn't love homemade spaghetti sauce?

Mark my words: this garden is puny now but will soon be great. So here is my before and the after will have to wait a few months.

Now onto other topics of life:
Such as parenthood.
Have you heard of it?
No we're not pregnant.
I'm talking about the TV show.
It's genious, really.
If you haven't watched it, you need to.
The cast is really amazing. Most of them I don't recognize from anything really big. But I think that no namers usually make a TV show better than say Brad Pitt would.

The one actress that I did recognize and was one of the main reasons I started watching is
Lauren Graham. I followed her career through Gilmore Girls and always loved her. My dad on the other hand flat out refused to watch Gilmore Girls. He HATED, i repeat, HATED, how they talked so fast. haha
But she is really great in this new TV show.

The whole cast is witty without being annoying and colorful without being disturbing. The series follows a family of brothers, sisters, parents and all of their children ranging from young to teenagers. The family is normal and deals with all of the "perks" of parenthood.
Go watch it, promise you won't be disappointed. (And a thank you should go to my sister Nichole for insisting I watch it!)
And lastly let me explain my feelings on
Wuthering Heights.

I was browsing through Barnes and Nobles on Saturday with my mom looking for a cat book for my little's sister Easter basket when we came across a secion of
classics. They are special editions of many classic books that Barnes and Nobles sells for really cheap. So while I wanted to buy 40 of them, I restrained my book buying urge and only bought one. I have always wanted to read Wuthering Heights but have never gotten around to it.
So I decided it was finally time.

I started reading it on Sunday and am about halway through now. It's...different...from what I've been reading lately. It's not really easy reading, not at all. I think I have been reading too many books written for pre-teens lately and I had forgotten how much I love books written in the 1800's. The feel of the book is so raw and so not fluid. It is the tale of Cathy and Heathcliff, both of which are terribly flawed and dark.
But so far I love it. I can always tell why a book is a classic. Not because it is a can't-put-it-down kind of book. Not because the story line is thrilling. Not even because it is a sappy romance (which this definitely is not).
It is a classic because it is different. Every component of the book is compelling and as a whole they make a realyl terrific book. It is so interesting to be transported back to the 1800's. Back to London's countryside and back to the "dark" ages if you will.
This book is definitely dark, but not in a bad way. More in a I-feel-bad-for-the-characters way. They did not have the gospel on the earth yet and their life was rather bleak. But again, that's what makes it so good. Their days are filled with nothing very exciting and yet the story is still compelling.
Emily Bronte only wrote one novel but that was really enough in my opinion because she did it well. Thank you Emily Bronte for your wonderful "classic."
And really I recommend going to your nearest Barnes and Nobles and picking up a couple of classics today. They are classics for a reason.
I love your garden! I want a garden but I don't know the first thing about gardening.
ReplyDeleteI will have to check out that show and see if they have any tips I could use.
Glad you have found a new book to read. I don't know if I would enjoy reading it because the book usually has to be on a teen level or I will lose interest but I might need to try reading it some time. I will see how you like it first.