Thursday, April 29, 2010

Doggy entertainment

(I have a lot to post about. But no time. So this short post about our dear Oliver will have to do until this weekend.)

Oliver often entertains himself which is great for us because we don't have the time or energy to play with him 24/7 like he wants.

But most of the time he is so hilarious that we end up watching his antics instead of getting anything done. I will pull out my camera at anytime and shoot a video and be dying of laughter in the background. Here are a few examples of Oliver's self-entertainment for your viewing pleasure.

FYI: There was a annoying mosquito eater in our house all day and I couldn't seem to get him out. I finally cornered him in the kitchen and swatted him to his death with a dish towel (don't worry, I didn't use that dish towel again). This is Oliver coming to investigate the situation.

We bought Oliver a new dog tag because his other one was cheap plus it had our old phone numbers on it. So we bought him a manly stainless steal dog tag with bone graphic and everything. Well what we didn't anticipate was that the stainless steal dog tag would weigh more and be a little big on our miniture dog. So it took Oliver some getting used to.


  1. Ha ha! Dogs and children really are so much alike. What the heck was he doing to that dead bug?? Did he want to eat it or was if freaking him out? That was so funny!

  2. LOL!! Such a cute little dog! I love how funny he is!
