Me and my two teachers at the glazing:
I will give the bad news first, this soldier didn't make it. Sometimes when a pot is fired after being glazed, it doesn't make it out of the kiln in one piece. With my luck, the fallen soldier just happened to be the pot that I was giving to my sister as a gift. We were both really excited about it so it was really depressing when I found out that it didn't make it through firing! I was seriously depressed for a long time...actually I still am! I worked so hard on it and was so excited to give it to my sister. I'm sorry Nichole! I know its not my fault but I still feel bad. I will probably be sad about this for a while and I know that Chad will probably get tired of hearing how I am sad, but he always makes me feel better. I have promised my sister that I am going to start on another pot ASAP and hopefully make it better! I have already started to stockpile Pottery materials so that I can continue doing this even when I move back to Cali. I know just need to find somewhere that I can glaze and fire them.
So here is the poor guy pre-fire, post-glaze.
Here he is after he has been injured (I know i sound cheesy, but you work on them so long, its almost as if they are your friend so he it's a he not an it.):
I will show you the before it is glazed or after it is bisqued fired:
Here is the pot after it is glazed:
And after it is fired for the last time:
This is another piece, pre-glaze:
After glaze:
This is my third large handbuilt piece in its pre-glaze state:
In its post-glaze state anxiously awaiting to be fired at a very hot temperature!
These are two smaller handbuilt pieces:
Thes are them post glaze and fire:
These are wheelthrown work:
Three of my cups: (yes they aren't the best but they were my first wheelthrown pieces ever so give them a break!)
Some after they are glazed:
One of my bowls: (A side view)
And here are some more tiles I made (glazed):
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that pot didn't make it. That would make me sad too!