Saturday, June 27, 2009

Glazed and Fired

So on Wednesday, I glazed all of my hand built and wheel thrown pieces. There are so many glazes to choose from and sometimes its the hardest part simply because there are too many options. So you take your bisqued fired pieces, (which have been fired at a lower temperature after they are all dried) and give them a rinse and then put was on the bottom of the pieces or where ever you don't want the glaze to be. You can't put glaze on the bottom of the pieces because they would stick to the kiln shelves and ruin the kiln. So after the wax, then you did your pieces in the glaze and then let them dry. From there you fire them again at a higher temperature. The pieces I will show you in this piece are all handbuilt and they were fired at a lower temperature than the wheel thrown pieces.
Me and my two teachers at the glazing:

I will give the bad news first, this soldier didn't make it. Sometimes when a pot is fired after being glazed, it doesn't make it out of the kiln in one piece. With my luck, the fallen soldier just happened to be the pot that I was giving to my sister as a gift. We were both really excited about it so it was really depressing when I found out that it didn't make it through firing! I was seriously depressed for a long time...actually I still am! I worked so hard on it and was so excited to give it to my sister. I'm sorry Nichole! I know its not my fault but I still feel bad. I will probably be sad about this for a while and I know that Chad will probably get tired of hearing how I am sad, but he always makes me feel better. I have promised my sister that I am going to start on another pot ASAP and hopefully make it better! I have already started to stockpile Pottery materials so that I can continue doing this even when I move back to Cali. I know just need to find somewhere that I can glaze and fire them.

So here is the poor guy pre-fire, post-glaze.

Here he is after he has been injured (I know i sound cheesy, but you work on them so long, its almost as if they are your friend so he it's a he not an it.):

I will show you the before it is glazed or after it is bisqued fired:

Here is the pot after it is glazed:

And after it is fired for the last time:

This is another piece, pre-glaze:

After glaze:


This is my third large handbuilt piece in its pre-glaze state:

In its post-glaze state anxiously awaiting to be fired at a very hot temperature!


These are two smaller handbuilt pieces:

Thes are them post glaze and fire:

These are wheelthrown work:

Three of my cups: (yes they aren't the best but they were my first wheelthrown pieces ever so give them a break!)

More Cups:

Some after they are glazed:
And here they are fired:

One of my bowls: (A side view)

Here are the bowls glazed:

And here are some more tiles I made (glazed):

And the finished products. I think they turned out so well.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing!

    I am so sorry that pot didn't make it. That would make me sad too!
