Tuesday, June 2, 2009

For Nichole

I am having technical difficulties with email so this post is really just to show my sister how the pot I am making her is progressing. Nichole- let me know how you like it. What do you think about the top? Do you want it to go up or out more or do you want me to keep it how it is? It isn't quite finished but close. I am giving you a few different views.

I also thought it might be cool to show how the pot progressed so here are a few of how it started and how it is now.

Also here are a few more pots that I just finished up.

And lastly here is my wheelthrown piece that got an "A."

So I passed my test and started actually throwing pieces to keep. I have a couple done but forgot to take pictures of them. I will post them in the next couple of days.

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