We also took an opportuniry to take some family pictures while we were all together. Parker(our nephew) really didn't care for taking pictures.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
We also took an opportuniry to take some family pictures while we were all together. Parker(our nephew) really didn't care for taking pictures.
Doggy entertainment
(I have a lot to post about. But no time. So this short post about our dear Oliver will have to do until this weekend.)
Oliver often entertains himself which is great for us because we don't have the time or energy to play with him 24/7 like he wants.
But most of the time he is so hilarious that we end up watching his antics instead of getting anything done. I will pull out my camera at anytime and shoot a video and be dying of laughter in the background. Here are a few examples of Oliver's self-entertainment for your viewing pleasure.
FYI: There was a annoying mosquito eater in our house all day and I couldn't seem to get him out. I finally cornered him in the kitchen and swatted him to his death with a dish towel (don't worry, I didn't use that dish towel again). This is Oliver coming to investigate the situation.
We bought Oliver a new dog tag because his other one was cheap plus it had our old phone numbers on it. So we bought him a manly stainless steal dog tag with bone graphic and everything. Well what we didn't anticipate was that the stainless steal dog tag would weigh more and be a little big on our miniture dog. So it took Oliver some getting used to.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday afternoon
Oliver was in heaven exporing. He literally didn't stop running and barking the ENTIRE time. At first he wouldn't get too close to the water but then slowly he worked himself up to it. Then he realized that the water was very cold and he could drink it, so he didn't want to leave the water's edge.
The trail was just so beautiful. It was nice and shady with trees on either side and the water level was pretty high in the river.
It was such a nice family outing, perfect for a relaxing sunday. And by the time we left Oliver was dragging and panting so I think that he got his fare share of exercise.
Then we went home and BBQed some Filet Mignon. It was mouth watering. I had some asparagus and homemade applesauce while chad had two huge corn on the cobs. This was the first meal since going on my diet that was actually filling! Thank you to Chad for a wonderfully cooked filet mignon. That meal will definitely be in our diet at least once a week (who am I kidding? At least once a day) until I can eat more normally.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Dreaming of May
Hurry up and get here already May!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
(These are the peas. They have grown the most and the fastest.)
(These are the watermelon. Coming in @ #2 for fastest and most grown.)