I love getting up early to go to church (yes I said early...9 am church is nice because then you still have the rest of the day). I love being at church. It's just something I look forward to during the week. We get to look our best and go to church and worship with our ward families. I especially love fast sunday (this means that the whole church fasts for the first two meals on Sunday. It also means the first hour of church we have a testimony meeting where we can go to the pulpit and tell everyone how we feel about our Savior and our Heavenly Father and about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It is always refreshing to hear other's ideas and feelings. It helps to reinforce my own testimony.
I love coming home from church and maybe putting on some hymns while I cook or while Chad takes a nap (that's what Chad loves about Sundays...naps. Oliver loves Sunday naps as well.)

I really enjoy cooking a nice sunday meal for Chad and I. It's also fun to get together with family for Sunday meals. My mom and brother came over to our new apartment last Sunday for dinner. They were our first official guests. (My little sister was sick so she and my stepdad had to stay home. We were sad to not have them there). But I Fixed a delicious meal (I can say that because it wasn't my recipe. Thanks Emily!) of White Chicken Chili and Cornbread. I am going to post the two recipes later because they have fast become one of our favorite meals, especially now that it's getting cold.
What do you like about Sunday?
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