1) New Haircut- Do you like? I like it. It's not so much the haircut that new, more the hair color. Scroll down to see my old hair color in the footbal picture. I love love love my hair dark and will definitely be keeping it for as long as my budget can afford it.
3) This was one of Jake's (Chad's brother who is a freshman in high school) last football games. I was finally able to get off work early to go and then at the end of the first quarter Jake got hit really hard and was taken out of the game. So the one game I went to all season I didn't even get to see Jake play. And by the way I don't really like football...so it's a big deal when I go to a game. But Jake is really good at football so it's fun going to his games and hanhing with the family. Next year hopefully I will be able to go to more games.
4) The fishtank stand is almost done! It's been a long project this time due to limited time and money but Chad's almost got it done. He spent that last week working on it non-stop because he had a week off. So it's even further along than this picture shows. The Canopy (the top part) is now finished and stained. Chad just needs to put the canopy door and the bottom doors on and then its done. As you can see Chad has everything flowing and he even got a bottom feeder fish to put in it and get things going. Hopefully before too long we will have real fish to post about. Chad's such an amazing man! He is so talented when it comes to building.
5) Naps...Chad and Oliver really like to nap. This was a couple sundays ago. I just think napping pictures are fun that's why I keep posting them. Okay I'll stop. This is the last post about naps... Chad will probably be mad I posted the pic of him anyways.
6) Thanksgiving! It was a wonderful thanksgiving. We started out with breakfast at Mimi's Cafe with my dad, Micki, Cody and Uncle Dave. I didn't get pics of that! Then we went to my mom's and started preparing the thanksgiving meal. This was really the first year I helped with the whole meal. It was very fun. I made two pies the night before (also no pictures) and they turned out really good too.
6) Olivers new sweater okay I really used to make fun of little dogs wearing clothes but now I understand that becuase they are so small they really do not have a lot to keep them warm so a sweater for walks is necessary. We haven't really used it yet because it's been so warm. But i got it out to show everyone and it just happened to match Cody's shirt that day. Ha. Cody wanted a picture.
9) Oh and lastly Chad has a new job! He is working for a pool company doing maintenance. He just started yesterday but is already loving it. A week off of work was driving Chad crazy so we were so grateful when he got this job. It's Bobby's brother who manages the company (Bobby is Chad's brother in law). We have really always been so blessed finding jobs. We know a big part of that is paying our tithing. We are always good about paying our tithing to the church and have always been blessed with financial and job security in return.
That's all we have been up to lately!
Cute hair! I love it!
ReplyDeleteLove the shoes!
The fish tank looks awesome. Good job Chad!
Love Oliver's sweater. I totally understand about not having enough to keep him warm. He is little.
Glad you had a good Thanksgiving.