Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Don't waste your life being angry

(If you are reading this post, then you are probably not the person in question becuase I am 99.9% sure that this person will never read this.)
Do you ever just get tired of someone's crap? Just tired of dealing with someone day in and day out that you DO NOT LIKE? Tired to the point that if you never saw or talked with that person again you would be completely fine with that? Tired becuase you don't know what to say to them anymore to make them happy and make them stop finding things to get angry at you about? Have you ever been tired and at your breaking point? Well I am. I am so so tired of walking on eggshells. And most of all I am tired of anger.
I feel bad for people who have to get angry about everything and yell before asking any questions or finding out what really happened. I pity people who have no patience and treat people like dirt. It makes me sad to know that there are people in this world who think that doing a few nice things makes up for a life of arrogance, rudness and anger. I will never understand why some people act the way they act and do the things they do. Sometimes the only way I get through my day when I have to be around these kind of people is to think, "I have a good life and this is only a moment in it. It won't last very long and I don't have to let this person affect the way I live my life or affect the way I treat people." Sometimes it feels like I will explode if I can't tell them what I think of them and how I think the way they treat others is completely not ok. But I know it won't do any good and it will only make matters worse.
I know this post is a little cryptic but I wanted to vent without hurting others, so it has to be cryptic. What I am getting at is, don't waste your life being angry. I am in no way perfect, but I try. I might get mad at things that don't matter, things that I could have brushed off and ignored, but I TRY not to. I want to say sorry to anyone I might have gotten unnecessarily angry at. Especially my husband. Unfortunately, he has to deal with m yunwarranted dirty looks more often than he should. I know there are a lot of times that I could be patient instead of annoyed. I need to try better. I will be better.
Oh and I would just like to say that I understand that there was only one person living on this earth that was perfect and that was Jesus Christ. So I don't expect anyone to be perfect (I'm not a hypocrite), but I do expect everyone to at least TRY. I for one try every day to live like He did and to make decisions He would approve of.
Anger really is evil. It can and should be avoided and our world would be a much better place without it. I for one look forward to the day when I can be perfect and will never lose my temper. It WILL happen one day. I just hope that the person who inspired this post will realize someday that there is a right and a wrong way to treat people and we will all have to answer for our mistakes and our bad judgement someday. And when that day comes, I hope that I can say that I always tried my best to not get angry and love everyone even when they made me mad.
Now I'm done venting. Sorry. I know that was intense for a Tuesday morning...now I can go on being happy that I got that off my chest!


  1. I am pretty sure I know who you are speaking of and I am sorry! Hopefully things will work out soon where you won't have to deal with it anymore. And just so you know I think you have come a long way in your patience and handle these sorts of situations very well. I need to work on being patient and not getting mad when other people make me mad!

  2. Amen! I never have understood that either. I just don't see how some people don't think twice about being rude. It just amazes me. I feel bad for those people because there is something in their life that makes them unhappy.

    I too am not perfect but I try. I actually bit Kurt's head off this morning. I have a lot to work on but I try.

  3. Amen Clair. Life would be and will be a more pleasant experience when anger is no longer a choice but a thing of the past.
