Monday, December 7, 2009

Backwards December

Remember when I said this: Compare:
Utah Winter= snow, ice, sleet, black ice, freezing temperatures, falling on the ice, more snow, white. Modesto winters= fog, cold, maybe some frost in the wee hours of the morning, dry land, no snow. Conclusion? I love the fog and I love California winters. I would take driving in fog over fallin on black ice any day.
I DARE you to disagree with me.

Well today it snowed in Modesto. Yeah, snow. Okay so it didn't stick and it only lasted a little while. But still SNOW in Modesto. That really only happens every few years. It felt like I was living in Salt Lake again. It was kinda nice though. I do miss the snow sometimes. But I have my fix for a while and I am certainly glad I won't be chipping ice off of my windshield in the morning.

On another note, it's hard to believe Christmas is only a few weeks away. These last two months have seemed like days. I am getting more and more in the Christmas spirit. We have been listening to the same 4 christmas CD's at work and if I have to listen to the Elvis Presley christmas CD or "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" one more time I will scream! So I went out and bought some new christmas music that I enjoy. Josh Groban's Noel CD and Sugarland's christmas CD. I am very excited to listen to them tomorrow!

We also put up our Christmas decor this weekend and that always helps to get me in the Christmas mood! We really couldn't afford a tree this year so we borrowed a fake tree from Chad's parents. I was sad at first because I really do love going to pick out a tree and having the fresh tree smell but on the up side, no pine needles and it won't die before Christmas.

I also wanted to post a really good meal I made this weekend. I can't say it was my idea. I went to this sandwich shop downtown and got this really good panini. Then I remember that I had a panani set! We got it as a Wedding gift over two years ago and it was still in its box! It's really nice and I feel stupid for not using it before.
I call it a Grilled Chicken Pesto Panini. Basically I bought some yummy bread and sliced it thin then put (store bought) pesto on the bread and put some grilled chicken, avacado, red onion and pepper jack cheese. Then put the other piece of bread on and then grilled them in the panini pan.
And Voila!
They were soooo good! Seriously try them.

What's been up with Chad lately? Well for one...can I just say he is an awesome husband and I love him more every day. He's so good about things like this:
But then he is also amazing at things like know manly men stuff...
Didn't it turn out awesome? He really is talented.

And lastly, Oliver.
Is exaclty the same as my last post. He still likes to cuddle and find small places on the couch to sleep like the above picture.
Happy Holidays and hope your December is going well!


  1. I'm jealous you can make the Picasso sandwhich at home!! I love the Christmas decorations!

  2. Your apartment looks so cute! I love your little tree! And Chad is a very good husband to you, I am so glad you are happily married to a wonderful man. His fishtank is amazing! And Oliver is cute as a button! Well buttons are not really that cute so he is cuter!
