Its a lovely winter morning here in Modesto, CA. I slept in till 7:20 ( That's me...I like to sleep till the latest possible time without being late for work of course). When I went outside it was a beautiful day. You know sun shining, not a cloud in the sky, birds chirping kind of morning. It is currently around 50-55 degrees. I love it. December 23rd=55 degrees? Only in California. Sorry Utah, I don't miss you making me freeze my butt off (Okay well sometimes I miss it a little, but not this morning!).
I'm just happy this morning, even though I am at work right now. I have my carmel apple cider from Starbucks that a nice coworker bought me on his way to work. Also tomorrow is only a half day. Plus I will probably get my check early today. So what could be better really? I can't think of anything can you?
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Why I love the people in my life
I have an awesome family and I think I have realized it more since being away from (most of) them for two years. And of course I really miss the people I am away from now, like my sister Nichole and her family. Lately, I have realized just how lucky I am to have wonderful people in my life, whether near or far away. Let me recap the last week and a half or so and tell you why I love my family:
A few weekends go, the 11-13 was filled with time with my mom, step-dad and little sister.
2) When we got home, my mom and I started on sewing some new pants for me. We bought fabric probably over a month ago and just had time to start using it! My mom is a very talented seamstress and it is so fun learing how to sew from her. Thanks mom!
4) That same night another family member came to the rescue and again made me realize just how awesome my family is. My dad has been letting us use his Jeep Wrangler until we can afford to buy a second car. Well the started died on Friday the 11th after my brother took it to our cabin. We were broke (whats new?) and so my dad paid for the part. I love him! And not just because he will pay for car parts but more becuase he has taught me growing up that you always help your family if you can and do it without complaining because they are family. He is a constant reminder of how to do it right. Thanks dad!
6) Also recently my brother Cody took me and Chad out to eat. He offered to foot the bill. How nice is he? I have been so happy to be able to spend more time with my brother since we moved back.
8) Lastly a shout out to my sister in Lehi, UT. She is always so good about keeping her blog updated so that I can see picture of the most adorable niece on the planet. I pretty much tear up whenever I think about her and when I think about the fact that I am missing so much in her little life. But the pictures do help. My sister is also so good about calling me. We talk every week, sometimes more than once.
I think that just about covers it. I have a really good family and it is so nice to be near them again. I used to never want to live in Modesto, especially when I left for college. But now that I am back I don't want to leave. Life is good, thanks to my family.
Of course I have a wondrful second family, the Bringhursts, who should also be mentioned. But that will be in another post, another time. Just didn't want them to feel left out :-)
A few weekends go, the 11-13 was filled with time with my mom, step-dad and little sister.
1) Saturday morning Chad and I drove to the Oakland temple with my mom and Stepdad. It is so nice having the gospel in common with them. We talked on the way there and listened to some church music to get in the peaceful mood of the temple. I love going to the temple. It's the one place on the earth that you can experience a little piece of heaven. It is quiet and filled with the spirit. It only makes it more special when we get to share the experienc with the family we love so much. So thanks to mom and Tracy for going with us.
3) On that Saturday night my little sister came over to hang out with Chad and I for a few hours while my mom and stepdad went dancing. We made grilled cheese and cookies and watched her silly pre-teen shows, I think it was called I Carly, or something along those lines. It was silly but cute. Mostly I just love knowing that my little sister is still just that. She isn't quite in her teens yet and while she is starting to mature physicaly and mentally she is still young and innocent. I love that best about her. She is also jsut fun to be around. We had fun together as sisters.
5) And I can't forget to mention that my wonderful husband spent that same Saturday night installing our new starter. I love that he is so good with cars and fixing things around the house. It makes my life a lot easier and less stressful. Thanks babe. l
7) Just a few days ago my mom posted a really nice blog about me. It almost brought me to tears it was so nice. Check it out here. Love you mom.
I think so. So Nichole, Chase and Brielle: I love you and miss you every day. Thanks for being the best sister, brother-in-law and niece I could hope for (even when you are in Utah).
Of course I have a wondrful second family, the Bringhursts, who should also be mentioned. But that will be in another post, another time. Just didn't want them to feel left out :-)
Monday, December 21, 2009
Happy Weekend
It was a happy weekend. The first picture is actually from two weekends ago but it was a happy weekend too so I figured I would include it in this post. We went to Oakland to go to the temple. A friend of ours was going through the temple for the first time so we went to go through with her. We actually missed the session they were on because we got told the wrong time, but it all ended up ok. My mom and stepdad went with us. I always love going to the temple with them. It is always a good experience.

Reasons why I was happy this weekend...
Friday was just a good day. Just one of those days I was really happy to begin with and it just got better and better. First, Chad and I both got really good Christmas bonuses on Friday.
Then I come home and find my wonderful husband cleaning our dirty kitchen. It was spotless when he was done. That made me almost as happy as the bonus..almost. But it really does make a wife happy to have a clean kitchen and to not have had to clean it!

Then after the nativity we went Christmas shopping! We also bought some clothes with our bonus. I know its Christmas, but we're both so picky about clothes that we don't really try to pick out clothes as Christmas' presents.
Then Saturday morning we got up bright and early and drove to Fresno for this lovely couples wedding. Jessica is Chad's cousin and this is her now husband Steve.

The reception was at a building in Fresno. It was really beautiful. The room had recently been remodled and this was only the second event that had been held there. They had a live band can kinda see in the stage in the picture below. It was really fun having the live music.
Jake being silly...they had these bells on the table that you ring to get the bride and groom to kiss. Jake used them as earings.
Cutting the cake...
Group picture. We were so glad all of us could go.

Reasons why I was happy this weekend...
Friday was just a good day. Just one of those days I was really happy to begin with and it just got better and better. First, Chad and I both got really good Christmas bonuses on Friday.
Then I come home and find my wonderful husband cleaning our dirty kitchen. It was spotless when he was done. That made me almost as happy as the bonus..almost. But it really does make a wife happy to have a clean kitchen and to not have had to clean it!
That is clean...
Then we went to a nativity play that my Mom's ward put on. We went becuause my little sister Ariana was Mary. They did a really good job. It was cute.
Then after the nativity we went Christmas shopping! We also bought some clothes with our bonus. I know its Christmas, but we're both so picky about clothes that we don't really try to pick out clothes as Christmas' presents.
Then Saturday morning we got up bright and early and drove to Fresno for this lovely couples wedding. Jessica is Chad's cousin and this is her now husband Steve.
I love seeing just (as in 5 minutes ago) married couples. I don't think you ever look happier in your life than the moment you come out of the temple. I just love the pure joy. It's fun to be there and experience it with them. The sealing ceremony was just beautiful.
Us after the sealing.
Chad's sister Emily was a bridesmaid. Aren't the dresses cute? She got them from J-Crew!
Hopefully I will have a happy few days before Christmas in addition to an awesome weekend. So far my Monday is going good. Plus we only have 3 workdays so I really don't see how this week could be bad (knock on wood). Hopefully I'll post again before Christmas but if not I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Don't waste your life being angry
(If you are reading this post, then you are probably not the person in question becuase I am 99.9% sure that this person will never read this.)
Do you ever just get tired of someone's crap? Just tired of dealing with someone day in and day out that you DO NOT LIKE? Tired to the point that if you never saw or talked with that person again you would be completely fine with that? Tired becuase you don't know what to say to them anymore to make them happy and make them stop finding things to get angry at you about? Have you ever been tired and at your breaking point? Well I am. I am so so tired of walking on eggshells. And most of all I am tired of anger.
I feel bad for people who have to get angry about everything and yell before asking any questions or finding out what really happened. I pity people who have no patience and treat people like dirt. It makes me sad to know that there are people in this world who think that doing a few nice things makes up for a life of arrogance, rudness and anger. I will never understand why some people act the way they act and do the things they do. Sometimes the only way I get through my day when I have to be around these kind of people is to think, "I have a good life and this is only a moment in it. It won't last very long and I don't have to let this person affect the way I live my life or affect the way I treat people." Sometimes it feels like I will explode if I can't tell them what I think of them and how I think the way they treat others is completely not ok. But I know it won't do any good and it will only make matters worse.
I know this post is a little cryptic but I wanted to vent without hurting others, so it has to be cryptic. What I am getting at is, don't waste your life being angry. I am in no way perfect, but I try. I might get mad at things that don't matter, things that I could have brushed off and ignored, but I TRY not to. I want to say sorry to anyone I might have gotten unnecessarily angry at. Especially my husband. Unfortunately, he has to deal with m yunwarranted dirty looks more often than he should. I know there are a lot of times that I could be patient instead of annoyed. I need to try better. I will be better.
Oh and I would just like to say that I understand that there was only one person living on this earth that was perfect and that was Jesus Christ. So I don't expect anyone to be perfect (I'm not a hypocrite), but I do expect everyone to at least TRY. I for one try every day to live like He did and to make decisions He would approve of.
Anger really is evil. It can and should be avoided and our world would be a much better place without it. I for one look forward to the day when I can be perfect and will never lose my temper. It WILL happen one day. I just hope that the person who inspired this post will realize someday that there is a right and a wrong way to treat people and we will all have to answer for our mistakes and our bad judgement someday. And when that day comes, I hope that I can say that I always tried my best to not get angry and love everyone even when they made me mad.
Now I'm done venting. Sorry. I know that was intense for a Tuesday I can go on being happy that I got that off my chest!
Do you ever just get tired of someone's crap? Just tired of dealing with someone day in and day out that you DO NOT LIKE? Tired to the point that if you never saw or talked with that person again you would be completely fine with that? Tired becuase you don't know what to say to them anymore to make them happy and make them stop finding things to get angry at you about? Have you ever been tired and at your breaking point? Well I am. I am so so tired of walking on eggshells. And most of all I am tired of anger.
I feel bad for people who have to get angry about everything and yell before asking any questions or finding out what really happened. I pity people who have no patience and treat people like dirt. It makes me sad to know that there are people in this world who think that doing a few nice things makes up for a life of arrogance, rudness and anger. I will never understand why some people act the way they act and do the things they do. Sometimes the only way I get through my day when I have to be around these kind of people is to think, "I have a good life and this is only a moment in it. It won't last very long and I don't have to let this person affect the way I live my life or affect the way I treat people." Sometimes it feels like I will explode if I can't tell them what I think of them and how I think the way they treat others is completely not ok. But I know it won't do any good and it will only make matters worse.
I know this post is a little cryptic but I wanted to vent without hurting others, so it has to be cryptic. What I am getting at is, don't waste your life being angry. I am in no way perfect, but I try. I might get mad at things that don't matter, things that I could have brushed off and ignored, but I TRY not to. I want to say sorry to anyone I might have gotten unnecessarily angry at. Especially my husband. Unfortunately, he has to deal with m yunwarranted dirty looks more often than he should. I know there are a lot of times that I could be patient instead of annoyed. I need to try better. I will be better.
Oh and I would just like to say that I understand that there was only one person living on this earth that was perfect and that was Jesus Christ. So I don't expect anyone to be perfect (I'm not a hypocrite), but I do expect everyone to at least TRY. I for one try every day to live like He did and to make decisions He would approve of.
Anger really is evil. It can and should be avoided and our world would be a much better place without it. I for one look forward to the day when I can be perfect and will never lose my temper. It WILL happen one day. I just hope that the person who inspired this post will realize someday that there is a right and a wrong way to treat people and we will all have to answer for our mistakes and our bad judgement someday. And when that day comes, I hope that I can say that I always tried my best to not get angry and love everyone even when they made me mad.
Now I'm done venting. Sorry. I know that was intense for a Tuesday I can go on being happy that I got that off my chest!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Backwards December
Remember when I said this: Compare:

We also put up our Christmas decor this weekend and that always helps to get me in the Christmas mood! We really couldn't afford a tree this year so we borrowed a fake tree from Chad's parents. I was sad at first because I really do love going to pick out a tree and having the fresh tree smell but on the up side, no pine needles and it won't die before Christmas.
I call it a Grilled Chicken Pesto Panini. Basically I bought some yummy bread and sliced it thin then put (store bought) pesto on the bread and put some grilled chicken, avacado, red onion and pepper jack cheese. Then put the other piece of bread on and then grilled them in the panini pan.
But then he is also amazing at things like know manly men stuff...
Didn't it turn out awesome? He really is talented.
And lastly, Oliver.
Is exaclty the same as my last post. He still likes to cuddle and find small places on the couch to sleep like the above picture.
Happy Holidays and hope your December is going well!
Utah Winter= snow, ice, sleet, black ice, freezing temperatures, falling on the ice, more snow, white. Modesto winters= fog, cold, maybe some frost in the wee hours of the morning, dry land, no snow. Conclusion? I love the fog and I love California winters. I would take driving in fog over fallin on black ice any day.
I DARE you to disagree with me.Well today it snowed in Modesto. Yeah, snow. Okay so it didn't stick and it only lasted a little while. But still SNOW in Modesto. That really only happens every few years. It felt like I was living in Salt Lake again. It was kinda nice though. I do miss the snow sometimes. But I have my fix for a while and I am certainly glad I won't be chipping ice off of my windshield in the morning.
On another note, it's hard to believe Christmas is only a few weeks away. These last two months have seemed like days. I am getting more and more in the Christmas spirit. We have been listening to the same 4 christmas CD's at work and if I have to listen to the Elvis Presley christmas CD or "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" one more time I will scream! So I went out and bought some new christmas music that I enjoy. Josh Groban's Noel CD and Sugarland's christmas CD. I am very excited to listen to them tomorrow!

I also wanted to post a really good meal I made this weekend. I can't say it was my idea. I went to this sandwich shop downtown and got this really good panini. Then I remember that I had a panani set! We got it as a Wedding gift over two years ago and it was still in its box! It's really nice and I feel stupid for not using it before.

What's been up with Chad lately? Well for one...can I just say he is an awesome husband and I love him more every day. He's so good about things like this:

And lastly, Oliver.

Happy Holidays and hope your December is going well!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Beading adventures...
So I posted a little while ago about the watch I made. I really loved it so I kept going and bought a bunch of beading stuff. My sister-in-law and mother-in-law have taught me how to do a lot and then I just picked up on some stuff too. I have been making earing for Christmas presents.
So of course I like the things I make but I want other opinions too. What do you think?
So of course I like the things I make but I want other opinions too. What do you think?
This is what's been going on with the Bringhursts lately...
1) New Haircut- Do you like? I like it. It's not so much the haircut that new, more the hair color. Scroll down to see my old hair color in the footbal picture. I love love love my hair dark and will definitely be keeping it for as long as my budget can afford it.
2) New Shoes- I got these shoes, along with two other pairs from Payless for $20. Combined they were all 20. Steal. Payless is definitely starting to carry better looking shoes and the quality is improving too. Go payless!

3) This was one of Jake's (Chad's brother who is a freshman in high school) last football games. I was finally able to get off work early to go and then at the end of the first quarter Jake got hit really hard and was taken out of the game. So the one game I went to all season I didn't even get to see Jake play. And by the way I don't really like it's a big deal when I go to a game. But Jake is really good at football so it's fun going to his games and hanhing with the family. Next year hopefully I will be able to go to more games.

4) The fishtank stand is almost done! It's been a long project this time due to limited time and money but Chad's almost got it done. He spent that last week working on it non-stop because he had a week off. So it's even further along than this picture shows. The Canopy (the top part) is now finished and stained. Chad just needs to put the canopy door and the bottom doors on and then its done. As you can see Chad has everything flowing and he even got a bottom feeder fish to put in it and get things going. Hopefully before too long we will have real fish to post about. Chad's such an amazing man! He is so talented when it comes to building.

5) Naps...Chad and Oliver really like to nap. This was a couple sundays ago. I just think napping pictures are fun that's why I keep posting them. Okay I'll stop. This is the last post about naps... Chad will probably be mad I posted the pic of him anyways.

6) Thanksgiving! It was a wonderful thanksgiving. We started out with breakfast at Mimi's Cafe with my dad, Micki, Cody and Uncle Dave. I didn't get pics of that! Then we went to my mom's and started preparing the thanksgiving meal. This was really the first year I helped with the whole meal. It was very fun. I made two pies the night before (also no pictures) and they turned out really good too.

7) Thanksgiving nap. Ok I lied. THis is the last nap picture i will post. I just think sleeping pictures are funny. Ariana (my little sister) actually snapped this one.
8) Oliver is almost full grown now. He might gain another pound or two but not much more than that. He weighs in at 10 pounds now. When we got him he was like 4 pounds. He is also almost 6 months old now too. This is Oliver posing after his full belly on Thanksgiving. Yes he ate some turkey like the rest of us. I couldn't deny him the goodness. We really don't give him people food very often so I thought 'why not?' He loved it to say the least. Especially the mashed potatoes. I usually call Oliver my vegetarian dog. He LOVES all fruit and veggies. Especially apples. We will often share an apple.
1) New Haircut- Do you like? I like it. It's not so much the haircut that new, more the hair color. Scroll down to see my old hair color in the footbal picture. I love love love my hair dark and will definitely be keeping it for as long as my budget can afford it.
3) This was one of Jake's (Chad's brother who is a freshman in high school) last football games. I was finally able to get off work early to go and then at the end of the first quarter Jake got hit really hard and was taken out of the game. So the one game I went to all season I didn't even get to see Jake play. And by the way I don't really like it's a big deal when I go to a game. But Jake is really good at football so it's fun going to his games and hanhing with the family. Next year hopefully I will be able to go to more games.
4) The fishtank stand is almost done! It's been a long project this time due to limited time and money but Chad's almost got it done. He spent that last week working on it non-stop because he had a week off. So it's even further along than this picture shows. The Canopy (the top part) is now finished and stained. Chad just needs to put the canopy door and the bottom doors on and then its done. As you can see Chad has everything flowing and he even got a bottom feeder fish to put in it and get things going. Hopefully before too long we will have real fish to post about. Chad's such an amazing man! He is so talented when it comes to building.
5) Naps...Chad and Oliver really like to nap. This was a couple sundays ago. I just think napping pictures are fun that's why I keep posting them. Okay I'll stop. This is the last post about naps... Chad will probably be mad I posted the pic of him anyways.
6) Thanksgiving! It was a wonderful thanksgiving. We started out with breakfast at Mimi's Cafe with my dad, Micki, Cody and Uncle Dave. I didn't get pics of that! Then we went to my mom's and started preparing the thanksgiving meal. This was really the first year I helped with the whole meal. It was very fun. I made two pies the night before (also no pictures) and they turned out really good too.
6) Olivers new sweater okay I really used to make fun of little dogs wearing clothes but now I understand that becuase they are so small they really do not have a lot to keep them warm so a sweater for walks is necessary. We haven't really used it yet because it's been so warm. But i got it out to show everyone and it just happened to match Cody's shirt that day. Ha. Cody wanted a picture.
9) Oh and lastly Chad has a new job! He is working for a pool company doing maintenance. He just started yesterday but is already loving it. A week off of work was driving Chad crazy so we were so grateful when he got this job. It's Bobby's brother who manages the company (Bobby is Chad's brother in law). We have really always been so blessed finding jobs. We know a big part of that is paying our tithing. We are always good about paying our tithing to the church and have always been blessed with financial and job security in return.
That's all we have been up to lately!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
What I love about Sundays
Ok. So this post was supposed to be about a week after Halloween...yeah like a month ago. Woops. I thought I set it to automatically post on Sunday (because of the title) but it didn't and I now just noticed it. But I still wanted to post it, so I am doing it on a wednesday and a month later. Oh well.
I also love that my Sunday can help me determine how the rest of my week is going to go. If I try and have a good Sunday then I know my week will turn out better. Sunday just helps set the stage for a good week. (Although I don't like that Sunday is the last day to my weekend and when it's over it means I have to go back to work!)
I love getting up early to go to church (yes I said early...9 am church is nice because then you still have the rest of the day). I love being at church. It's just something I look forward to during the week. We get to look our best and go to church and worship with our ward families. I especially love fast sunday (this means that the whole church fasts for the first two meals on Sunday. It also means the first hour of church we have a testimony meeting where we can go to the pulpit and tell everyone how we feel about our Savior and our Heavenly Father and about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It is always refreshing to hear other's ideas and feelings. It helps to reinforce my own testimony.
I love coming home from church and maybe putting on some hymns while I cook or while Chad takes a nap (that's what Chad loves about Sundays...naps. Oliver loves Sunday naps as well.)

I really enjoy cooking a nice sunday meal for Chad and I. It's also fun to get together with family for Sunday meals. My mom and brother came over to our new apartment last Sunday for dinner. They were our first official guests. (My little sister was sick so she and my stepdad had to stay home. We were sad to not have them there). But I Fixed a delicious meal (I can say that because it wasn't my recipe. Thanks Emily!) of White Chicken Chili and Cornbread. I am going to post the two recipes later because they have fast become one of our favorite meals, especially now that it's getting cold.
What do you like about Sunday?
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