Sunday, April 10, 2011

4 months

Dear Afton,

Can you believe you are four months old? Because I can't.
I love spending every day with you.
You are a very happy baby and seldom cry unless you are tired or hungry or need your diaper changed...
and who blames you?
I cry about those things sometimes too...
although I don't use diapers, so maybe just the first two :-)

You are very strong now and are getting close to rolling over and sitting up. You love to stand up with the help of mom or dad of course.
You also like to do what I call baby crunches. You lift your head and your feet at the same time so it looks like you are doing a crunch.
I am pretty sure you are teething so you still like to chew on your hands and pretty much anything else you can get your hands in. IE: my hair, my hands, your blankets, etc.

You also still love to talk and smile. You are always smiling.
You laughed for the first time this week! Mommy tickled your chubby little chin and you thought it was hilarious. And you are starting to look at specific things and grab them. You have even put your own binky in your mouth once. (It might have been by mistake though, not too sure)

Mommy feels so lucky to be able to stay home with you every day. You are already my best friend and we have so much fun together. I even get to bring you to work with me one day a week. I feel extremely blessed to never have to leave you... my heart can't handle being away from you for too long.

It seems like you learn something new every day and you are always looking at everything around you with big eyes. Lucky for me and dad you are still sleeping through the night and are taking pretty good naps now too.

Afton we love you so much and couldn't imagine our life without you. We thank Heavenly Father every day for allowing us to be your parents and raise you. You are such a special little girl and are adored by so many people already.

Thanks for all the laughs and love you bring to our home!

Mom and Dad

And for your viewing pleasure...Afton and her mowhawk.

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