I'm thinking(hoping) to continue this post every few weeks. Depending on the books, I usually will go through a few books a week. Meaning I will usually have 3 or 4 books to review for you at a time.
1) The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

To be completely honest a book has to be really badly written, boring to the point of death or have just too much a) violence, b) swearing, or c) explicit sexuality for me to hate it. This was one of those books. It was not badly written but it really wasn't written in the kind of way that keeps me hooked either. A little too simple for me. Not enough phrases that make you stop and say "wow, that was a beautiful sentence." It also wasn't boring to the point of death, but was slow in some places. I really didn't get into the book until about 150 pages in. What made me cross over to "hate" rather than just unimpressed was the amount of swearing, sex and violence.
As a latter-day saint I have been taught to turn off the T.V. or radio or put down a book when it has something inappropriate in it. This has been instilled in my mind since a very young age. There were so many times when reading this book that I ALMOST did that. I am slamming my hand into my forehead for even finishing the book, but I have this thing where I just can't leave a book unfinished. It eats at me to the point where I am laying in bed at night thinking what is going to happen in the book I didn't finish. Ok, maybe I am being a little melodramatic, but you get the point right?
And on a side note: I STILL haven't finished My Cousin Rebecca. Guess that book is the exception to the I-have-to-finish-a-book rule...
So back to the dragon tattoo fiasco. The book had a heavy feel to it. It focused a lot on sexual violence against women in Sweden and thus had a lot of not-so-nice sexual scenes that were sometimes very explicit. The other half of the book takes on a mystery feel which is the only thing that kept me reading. Because, come on...who can not find out what happens once that mystery is stuck in your head?
The main word I would use to describe this book is heavy...and depressing...and blunt to the point of being annoying. Oh and did I mention that the "mystery" part of the book ended up being about a serial killer? What a nice light way to end the book huh?
So overall I would give this book 1/2 of a star. If there hadn't been so much swearing I might have given it one more star. But swearing makes me mad, especially in books. So dang it Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, you get half a star. That's it.
And I would NOT recommend this book to anyone. Hows that for a review?
On to something happier...like forbidden love...

It took me a few visits to Borders (who are going out of business and selling everything but the actual building at half off) and a thumbs up from
Busy Bee Lauren to convince me to get this book.
The cover was very intriguing and called to me from the shelf when I saw it. I also got it for 60% off, score! But in the end the beautiful message and the well written story are what makes this one of my new favorite books.
The Book is about a future in which love is referred to as a disease called Amor Deliria Nervosa. In the book, when you turn 18 you get an operation in which they "cure" you so that you won't catch the delirium.
What I loved most was the way the author made you think about simple things such as music or dancing in a completely different way. These things, as well as love, are outlawed, so young kids must sneak out to have parties and enjoy these things that we take for granted. Ultimately, this book made me remember when I fell in love for the first and only time. The book talks about ways to know you have the disease, symptoms if you will.
Phase One:
Preoccupation; difficulty focusing
dry mouth
perspiration, sweaty palms
fits of dizziness and disorientation
reduced mental awareness; racing thoughts; impaired reasoning skills
Phase Two:
periods of euphoria; hysterical laughter and heightened energy
periods of despair; lethargy
changes in appetite; rapid weight loss or weight gain
fixation; loss of other interests
compromised reading skills; distortion of reality
disruption of sleep patterns; insomnia or constant fatigue
obsessive thoughts and actions
paranoia; insecurity
Phase Three(critical):
difficulty breathing
pain in the chest, throat, or stomach
difficulty swallowing; refusal to eat
complete breakdown of rational faculties; erratic behavior; violent thoughts and fantasies; hallucinations and delusions
Phase Four(Fatal):
emotional or physical paralysis (partial or total)
The whole book was full of clever insights such as the above "symptoms" of love. Each chapter has a little poem or scripture or saying adapted to fit the idea that love is a disease. To me, the cleverness of the book and the unique perspective is what made it so enjoyable.
It also had one of those jaw dropping kind of endings that I definitely wasn't expecting. And while it wasn't a happily-ever-after kind of ending, it was an ending I can appreciate because it was different and it wasn't what you were expecting.
So much unlike the Dragon Tattoo, I give this book 5 stars and recommend it to everyone and anyone that can read. PLEASE go out and buy a copy, you won't regret it, I promise.
3) City of Bones (Mortal Instruments Series)

This is the book that I am currently reading; however I have read it before so I am fully qualified to give you a review. I read this series about a year ago when there were only 3 books out and loved it. It definitely won't be for everyone, let me just say that first.
It is about shadowhunters or those who hunt and kill demons. While that might seem dark and depressing it really isn't. The books have a more youthful feel to them which lightens the darkness of the demons in the story.
The author also has a knack for weaving humor into the story line. There is a sarcastic banter between the two main characters that keeps it light and entertaining throughout. The main female character is strong willed and has a mind of her own which is very refreshing.
I started reading the series again because the fourth book just came out and I have a weird thing where I can't just read the fourth book without reading the first three again. So i will read all three so that I can FINALLY read the fourth one.
Anyways, this is a light read but a story that I really enjoy, even for the second time.
I give this 4 1/2 stars and recommend to those who enjoy a light fantasy.
I am thinking of changing things up a little and hopefully reading some different kinds of books after I finish the Mortal Instruments.
Here's what's on the menu:
*Favorite Wife (a BIG maybe)- I added it to my phone list of books to read for some reason but I am VERY skeptical of books about polygamy but this one sounded pretty good.
*Glenn Beck's Common Sense- My father-in-law had this book on his shelf and I have been meaning to pick up a Glenn Beck book.
*Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
*The Secret by Rhonda Byrne- I keep seeing this and have always wanted to pick it up, plus it was recommended to me by someone just the other day.
*The 5 Love Languages by Gary D. Chapam- This will probably be my next book. I was told it is a really good book.
*The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey- Who couldn't use a little extra advice on money?
Let me know if you have read any of these? Also I am ALWAYS open to suggestions on new books!