Monday, February 1, 2010

Nightmares of Used car shopping

For the last almost year we've been using my dad's Jeep as a second car. We have so appreciated using it but decided it was time to get another car to call our own. So a few weeks ago we started looking. Nightmares...I have nightmares all day long. My brain is tired from crunching numbers and looking at pictures of cars on craigslist. But those I can handle. What i can't handle? Used car salesman...well actually ALL car salesman. We went out yesterday looking at car lots when our efforts on Craigslist, yahoo and ebay failed us. We drove along McHenry (if you don't live in Modesto, McHenry is one of the largest roads in Modesto and has oh about a million car lots, used and new alike) looking for cars. We decided to stop at a Nissan/Jeep dealer. We were looking for a Jeep Grand Cherokee and figure we would stop at the Jeep dealer. Duh!
I didn't want to get out of the car, I just wanted to drive around and look. We figured they wouldn't have anything but we wanted to look anyways. Well Chad insisted we park and get out and walk. So I relented. I got out of the car and noticed a salesman perched on the steps of the dealer getting ready to pounce. I wanted to yell to Chad to run back to the car, but of course I am civilized and didn't. About 30 seconds after getting out of the car, before we had even come close to any of the cars, the salesman found us. He was hispanic with a very thick accent, which I don't mind, but it was very very hard to understand him. He proceeded with his intro, half of which I didn't understand. This is what I got out of it: he had only worked there a month: Great! He kept saying he wanted to give us a quote for trading our existing car in: of course we had to tell him about 3 times that we were not selling that car, we needed a second car. Finally I subtly but sternly told him we would come and get him if we needed help. When he realized he was failing, badly, he started saying anything that came to mind in a desperate attempt to keep us interested. One of the things he said was, "so sorry, I am not trying to scare you off, I promise." Well dude you are so leave us the heck alone!! That's what I was saying in my mind.
He left, finally! After about 1 minute of looking through the cars, we knew we couldn't afford anything and started heading back to the car. All the sudden I spot annoying-hard-to understand salesman standing on the steps of the dealership with yet another salesman. Both are scanning their lot trying to find us. I was tempted to drop to the ground and crawl back to the car and then speed away. But again, I am civilized and didn't.
So car salesman #2 we shall call him practically runs up to us before we reach our car. He then proceeds to smoozsh us. He charmingly tells us that the other salesman told him we just weren't clicking with each other and wanted him to come help us. I was mad at this point. I just wanted to leave. There was nothing there we wanted and they were just wasting our time. So we talked for another minute, he showed us a Jeep Wrangler even though I had already told him we needed a car that you could take a baby carrier in and out of. He seemed to ignore this which pissed me off. Then finally finally he understood. We couldn't afford anything they had and wanted to leave. IT WAS A NIGHTMARE!! AHHH!!!! I am still shuddering at the thought.
We got back in the car and I looked at Chad and said, " We are NOT getting out of the car again. We will drive around the lot, I don't care how stupid we look." His look said it all. Yes. You're right. You were right. We will NEVER get out of this car again.
So that was just one of the many horrifying experiences we have had while looking for cars. I think we have found the car for us, but there are still some details to work out so I will post about it when it is ours. Pray for us....we desperately need any and all help we can get.


  1. there a specific reason you need a baby carrier or are you just thinking ahead?!?!?

  2. Ha ha ha! I am so sorry you are having such a hard time finding the right car. I know exactly where you are coming from. Stay strong, it will happen. Cant' wait to see you in two days!
