Friday, January 29, 2010

Novel idea?

I always have a million things running through my mind that I want to write about. I lay in bed at night writing my posts in my head...and then I fall asleep. Then when I wake up the witty comments and good ideas are no longer there like they were the night before. And thus my blog gets forgotten until I actually sit down at a computer and type what I am thinking when I am thinking it. This is one of those times...
I finished City of Glass the third book in the Mortal Instruments series. It was good. Really good. I am a sucker for a good fantasy book I have found out. Why? I was thinking about that in one of my pre-bed thought sessions. I had just finished the book and was really happy and somewhat sad. I loved the ending but was thinking...'where will I now get my entertainment?' I love just getting lost in a book. It's like you are by yourself somewhere but all you can see are the pages of the book. Your surrounding are a little fuzzy. You might see a tree or a person but you aren't really paying attention. You know they are there but you don't really care.
When I am involved with a book I have a really hard time not finishing it as soon as I can. I just want to know what happens. I don't want the story to be mixed up with anything else. I am putting myself in the story. The characters are my friends for a few days and I am right along side them acting out their story.
That's how it is when I read a book I am really into. So sorry to my friends, family, husband, dog, kitchen, and work. Because when I have a book I like, everything else is on the back burner. (Ok so I obviously don't neglect my husband and completely ignore him, but you get what i mean right?) I sneak in a few minutes of reading whenever I can. And I mean whenever and wherever I can. I read all 3 450-500 page books in this series in a week. Thats how much I LOVE to read. I would say its my favorite past time. My love for reading is probably one of the major reasons I have such terrible eye sight. But I don't care. So where was i going with this.... oh yeah.
After saying all this, I will now say, I am realll really really jealous of novelists. I want to be able to do what they do. I want to have this fantastic idea and sit down and write a 500 page novel that completely sucks its readers in for days at a time and finally releases them when they have finished. I want to imprison people with a book I write. Is that crazy? I don't think so...but I don't know if that's my purpose in life. I love to write and I am good at it, but I don't know that I will ever call myself a novelist. But I can dream can't I?
Wow...I never know where I will go when I write. That was something way off topic than I was originally going to write. So thank you to Cassandra Clare for being a very imaginative person and having the ability and perseverance to write the Mortal Instruments series. I for one am grateful for my little vacation from life while reading them.

Oh now I remember the fantastic news I was going to post about....drum roll please... My sister Nichole and niece Brielle who I haven't seen in 6 months are coming to Modesto on Thursday for 11 days!!!!! Yay!!!!! I am so excited I can barely contain myself. I miss them so much! I am the lucky one that gets to pick them up from the airport. So next week will be great!

And i should mention why my sister gets to visit for that long. My awesome brother-in-law Chase left yesterday morning for Haiti. He was asked to go and help with the relief efforts. He is a EMT/firefighter so he has a good medical background that will allow him to help a lot in Haiti. So he will be there for 3 weeks so my sis decided to visit us to fill some of her time without him. We are so proud of Chase. He is an awesome guy and we couldn't be happier to have him in our family!

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand how you feel about books. I've actually started writing one...I have about 50 pages done but I haven't written anything for months but so help me I will finish someday and you can get lost in it ;)
