Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Random scenery

So this picture is just one I snapped on my way to class. This is the beautiful scenery I get to see Monday through Thursday. I am posting this for all of my family in California that don't get to see where we live. I will really really miss the beautiful mountains when Chad and I move back to California in a year.


  1. Beautiful picture!! I love the mountains too.

  2. Hey Clair, Jenny and I are getting ready to do our scrapbook retreat in March. We are looking for someone to do one of the meals and wondered if you would be interested. Send me a quick email and i will give you the Thanks, Alisse

  3. Wow I got way behind on reading your posts. I don't like when you talk about moving back to Modesto
    :( That is really funny that the lime green VW bug was your rental car! I actually knew a guy back in King Henry who drove a red one and thought it was pretty weird.

  4. k so i read the blog about the vdub bug, and now whenever i see a green one i think of you guys!!

  5. TIME OUT. you're moving back?!?!
