Funny story....our car is in the shop....again. I have decided that our car is possessed. It is the spawn of Satan.....literally. Anyways, that is not what this post is about. If it was, I would probably go on and on for a long long time, like I am now. So, our car is in the shop for longer than we planned and the place its at graciously offered us a free rental car because they couldn't figure out what was wrong yet. So we are pretty excited. We don't have to make arrangements for one car, plus we get it for free! I don't think that happens very often. So, our next question... what kind of car do we get? The answer to this was not what we were hoping for. The only car they had left...

Yes, thats right a lime green Volkswagen bug. On a side note, every time we see a guy driving one of these cars, which seems to be more often than not, we laugh hysterically and think 'why would a guy want to drive one of those.' So it just so happens that Chad had to drive this car home from the mechanics shop. Needless to say I laughed pretty hard when I found this out. Chad on the other hand, didn't think it was funny. I have been driving the car in order to spare Chad the humiliation. I'm not really a fan of the car either. I loved them when I was 14 and actually wanted a lime green one. Funny how much changes in 6 years. Now I just think it is ironic that my lime green coat from Old Navy matches the color of my rental car. Gosh we really hate our stupid Audi. Oh well.
On another note, I have been reading a lot! By a lot I mean a lot. This is the book I am currently working on for my media and the marginalized class. It's only 4 Saturdays out of the whole semester and I thought it would be a piece of cake. Well, it's not exactly hard, just a looooot of reading. I had to read the first 300 page book in a week because I signed up for the class late. The next book I am afraid to say I procrastinated in starting. It is huge!

A total of 400 pages and really small print. It has so many names and jumps around so much. It's on the civil rights era and press coverage of it. So it's a really good topic and there are a lot interesting facts, but just so dense! So my class is on Saturday and I am only on page 237. So it is my goal to get to 300 tonight and finish the rest by Saturday. We will see if that actually happens. Anyone who knows me knows I love to read, but I am slowly starting to hate it (not really, I will always love to read) . I just can't wait to be done with this class. Only one more book after this to go. Then I can read books at my own pace and read ones that I actually want to read!
Oh and on one more note Chad and I just want to say how excited we are for Chad's sister Emily who is getting married on April 25th!! Yay! We haven't met her fiance, but we are sure he is wonderful. Here is the wonderful bride to be.

Congratulations!! We can't wait to come for your wedding!
That is hilarious that you don't like the bug. I love that it matches your coat. Too funny.
ReplyDeleteHang in there with your class.
How exciting for your sister. Getting married is so fun.