Monday, January 10, 2011

A month of firsts

Afton turned one month old yesterday. It really is hard to believe how fast the time went by. Sometimes it seems like only yesterday she was born but mostly she is changing so much everyday.
It has really been a month of firsts for our little family.
Here is a little overview in pictures of how the last month has been:
The hospital:

Meeting her family:
Afton's first Christmas:

Afton's first photo shoot: This picture was taken by Stacey Haslem. She did an amazing job. Hopefully I will be able to post the rest soon.
Oliver still likes to sleep in blankets....some things never change.
Afton is awake more and more everyday. She is holding her head up really good now and is a very good eater. Oh and a good pooper too. That's one of her favorite past times...

I could definitely get used to being a stay at home mom. I have loved every minute of the last four weeks.

Afton loves, I repeat loves, to have her hands by her face when she sleeps.
She is also starting to give us little smirks once and a while. Usually after she has just eaten and has a full tummy.
More often that not though, this is what she looks like after she has just eaten. It's what I like to call Milk Drunk. Ha!

Afton sitting in her swing mid yawn. This is her at one month old.
We got through the first month with a newborn! I definitely feel accomplished! Here's to the next month and all the months after that...


  1. she is so cute clair! i bet you are just the best mom ever.

  2. oh Clair I love that first picture of you with her! I'm excited to see the rest of the photo shoot ones too

  3. So many adorable changes! I also like the pic of Oliver :) what some cute photos!
