I really have missed blogging lately but for some reason it just hasn't been happening as often as it should or as often as I would like it to. But I am just resolving to do it! That's my motto, just do it (thanks Nike). It seems that like blogging a lot of other things get put on the back burner when you are pregnant. For example: cooking (I honestly can't remember the last time I cooked), cleaning (smelly toilets aren't good for over-sensitive stomachs), shaving your legs (Ugg...I hated this before I got pregnant and for some reason I hate it even more now), doing much of anything besides sitting on the couch.
Thankfully I am gaining more and more energy back. So I managed to cook once in the last two weeks...that's an accomplishment, let me tell you. I cleaned the kitchen AND did a load of laundry in one night last night. I shaved my legs this morning. And I plan on taking my dog on a walk after work, folding said laundry from last night and vaccuming. Let's see if my to do list actually gets done. I have high hopes.
With that said, I only have a handful of events to blog about in the last month.
First, my work had a summer party a few weeks ago. Here is our clan. Apparently we were really NOT photogenic that day. I am really just posting these because I laughed really hard when I saw them.
I especially like Cody's face in this one...

In other news...our beloved cat Cleo died a month ago. She was getting pretty old and it was her time. But she was the only cat left from our two kittens that we got over 10 years ago. So my little sister was pretty sad to say the least. She ADORES cats and Cleo was really another family member. So to help curb the pain a little my mom decided we should add another cat to the family. Introducing Whiskers...

Oliver and Cleo hated each other (OK Cleo hated Oliver because he always tried to chase her. Oliver LOVED chasing Cleo). So to avoid this phenomenon of cats hating dogs I wanted Oliver and Whiskers to meet ASAP. It was hilarious really. I don't think either one of them knew what the other one was or why it was there. Whiskers was pretty tense and Oliver just wanted to sniff and play this intersting new thing. I had to hold on to him for dear life so he wouldn't pumel her. Eventually they got so close their noses were touching and Oliver licked Whiskers in the face a couple times. So they aren't officially friend yet but they definitely don't hate each other either. Mission accomplished.

Isn't he cute? Never mind my lack of makeup and gross hair. Oliver's cuteness makes up for both of us.
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