Monday, June 7, 2010

The Jeep Wave (and other funny stories)

If you have ever owned a Jeep (wrangler), scratch that, if you have ever driven a Jeep then you might know about a little thing called "the Jeep wave". Ok, at least that's what I call it. It is a requirement if you own a Jeep to do the "Jeep wave" whenever you see or pass another Jeep driver on the road. If you don't then you look like a jerk for not recriprocating a friendy gesture. It's more of a lift of the hand off the steering wheel and a slight a wave of the fingers than an actual wave.
I have driven a Jeep off and on since my junior year in high school, so going on 6 years now. And I noticed this phenomenon probably a week after I started driving it. Apparently it's just a universal knowledge that you catch on too. I do it just because people get really annoyed if you don't. It's kind of second nature now. Chad is probably more diligent than I am with the Jeep wave. Sometimes I miss a Jeep passing us and Chad will say "didn't you see that Jeep wave? It's ok I waved for you." Oh thank the heavens, i think. What would I have done it you HADN'T seen that Jeep? I would have looked like a total jerk.
Ok, so maybe I am exaggerating a little, but not much, I promise. Jeep drivers take their cars very seriously. (Chad is no exception. He calls the Jeep his second lover and he will most likely kill me when he reads this. :-) So why the explanation on the Jeep wave and the seriousness of Jeep owners? Well let me tell you about an experience that we had this weekend with the Jeep. It is totally real, not making it up. This will help you non-Jeep owners understand just how much Jeep owners love their Jeeps.
So Chad and I took Oliver out for a little ride in the Jeep this weekend. It was the first day we had the top off so it felt like Summer. (Summer is not officially here until our hard top is safely deposited in one of our parent's garages) So we loaded in the Jeep and took off to find a pretty place to take Oliver for a walk. Not too long after we left our house we saw another Jeep going the opposite direction as us and of course we Jeep waved each other.
So we noticed that we needed gas and flipped a U turn to get to the gas station we had passed not too long ago. Well guess who was at the gas station? The Jeep we had Jeep waved less than 5 minutes ago. Of course we just happened to be at the same gas station as he went to. We were parked about 2 pumps away from him. So he noticed us as well and yelled over "aren't you that Jeep I just passed?" Chad told him yes and we all laughed. Hahaha so funny. Well he finished pumping his gas and Chad is just about done too. This guy walks over to us and engages us in a conversation about...take a guess...Jeeps. He complements ours, Chad asks what lift he has, etc. Well we are ready to go, but not this guy. He wants to keep talking and talking and talking. He tells us about his 4X4 club and wants to give us the website and darn he wishes he had a flyer for us but he left them at home. I am really surprised he didn't ask for our number because he was coming on a little strong. But not to worry, Oliver barked at him and gave him a good scare so he didn't get too close to the Jeep throughout the conversation. The one time I am glad we can't get Oliver's barking at strangers under control. Plus this guy was a little creepy looking. I am totally not judging but a little hick/white trash/wife beater wearing kind of guy.
So finally Chad says ok well we gotta go and FINALLY the guy leaves and goes back to his own car.
Moral of the story? Jeep owners are are obsessive, sometimes creepy and a little annoying at times (this of course excludes us and any other normal Jeep owners that are reading this post). Oh and something else I am considering is NOT doing the Jeep wave so that other people know I am not interested in joining their Jeep clubs or becoming their best friend. Or possibly we could disguise our Jeep somehow to not look like a Jeep? (I don't think Chad would go for that.)
Oh and another funny thing that happened as we pulled out of the parking lot was Oliver almost jumped out of the Jeep. He jumped on Chad's lap and was a little overzealous with his jump. Luckily Chad was paying attention and caught him, but I think Oliver was so scared he might have peed his pants a little. I think I was so scared I might have....not really but it was scary. Oliver got a good talking to and now is banished to the back seat with his leash secured tightly so he would have no way of falling out even if he wanted to. Oh Oliver.


  1. I have never heard about the Jeep Wave! That is so funny! I have never owned a Jeep. I had a friend who owned a Wrangler and it got stolen twice. The second time it was scrapped. Crazy uh?

    I am glad Oliver didn't fall out too! That would be scary!

  2. Ha ha! I forgot how you told me about the Jeep wave. Yeah that guy sounded creepy, people need to get a life. There is more to life than cars! But I do think your Jeep is awesome :) And you are not creepy about it!

  3. hahah! Great story! =) I wouldn't have ever guessed that, but I guess it makes sense.

  4. This is very funny Clair!! Love your writing. I'm glad Oliver didn't go overboard too.
