Oh Oliver...We just love him...and hate him sometimes...
more specifically when he goes to the bathroom in our apartment...
or tears a large piece of toilet paper to shreds when we are in the shower...
or puts his paws on the coffee table and proceeds to steal the snack I just carefully prepared for myself off o fmy plate.
Ok so maybe we don't ever hate him but there are times when we certainly want to strangle him. He is hyper, mysterious, mischievious, naughty oh and did I mention hyper and naughty? Oliver is now 8 months old and has definitely become a part of the family. He has his favorite places to lay in the house...
like by the slider in the sunshine.
He has his favorite places to go to the bathroom...
like in the spare room when we aren't watching.
He likes to bark every time we take him out to the bathroom and everytime we go on a walk and every time someone knocks on the door...and... shall i go on? I think you get the picture.
Man, why do people get dogs? They are so much work?? Well after thinking about this question...for a while...I remembered why we love him...This is why:
Because he likes to curl up in the warm just-out-of-the-dryer clothes and fall asleep...
Because when we take him in the car he likes to sit in the very back and look out the window and then fall asleep...
Because he will cuddle with me and let me give him a paw massage...no kidding...he really did let me do this for like 20 minutes while he napped.

And he is just the cutest dog ever! Look at that face...how can you resist?

And last but not least...he is just plain funny...
So even though he is a pain in our butt sometimes...he is also a fun little dog. He loves to play and go on walks. And sometimes the simplicity of a dog's life can help you remember that we should not take anything for granted.
If only my life was as simple as Oliver's...
(OH and the title...in case you didn't figure it out are his nicknames. I have no idea how half of them came to be but they are all used on a regular basis...I promise)