1) Fog- It was so foggy this morning in Modesto, CA. It made me want to sing that song "A foggy day in London Town." Not my favorite song by any means but appropriate for the weather. I always forget about the fog until just one day it shows up and is all mysterious. Utah does not have fog. Another reason why I haven't thought about the fog for a couple years. Compare: Utah Winter= snow, ice, sleet, black ice, freezing temperatures, falling on the ice, more snow, white. Modesto winters= fog, cold, maybe some frost in the wee hours of the morning, dry land, no snow. Conclusion? I love the fog and I love California winters. I would take driving in fog over fallin on black ice any day.
I DARE you to disagree with me.
2) Last night I went to the grocery store to get Thanksgiving stuff...you do not want to traverse the grocery store on Wed-Fri, so I go on Monday. Smart, I know. Anyways, I was very pleased when all the things I need for the classic green bean casserole are all neatly placed on the end of the same aisle (I seriously had to just look up how to spell this word). It literally cut 3 minutes off of my shopping trip and we all know time is money. So money in my pocket. Thanks Savemart.
3) This just in...the critics were WRONG! New Moon was awesome, so much better than I hoped it would be. Jacob rocked (no not because he is buff, well not only. He was also just a suprisingly good actor.) He and bella had GREAT chemistry. Their chemistry knocked movie Edward and Bella's chemistry out of the park. Note: Book Edward and Bella still have better chemistry than anyone. Wanted to make that clear. For a very witty and funny review go to this post by Busy Bee Lauren.

5) Christmas music before Thanksgiving = NOT OK At this very moment I am being forced to listen to a Christmas CD at work and I am not a happy camper. Enough said. (By the way I do love Christmas but I just can't take more than 4 weeks of Christmas music, thus the no Christmas music before Thanksgiving rule). Stick to the rule!
6) "One Time" Justin Bieber Remix is my guilty pleasure. If you haven't heard it, you should. The remix is better than the original though. Honestly I turn it up way loud when I hear it in the car, like this morning on my way to work. This kid is like 15 or 16 but sounds 10. Definitely hasn't hit puberty. But there is something about his voice that justs pulls me in. I give you permission to make fun of me, but even if you do I'll still turn it up loud when I hear the song.
7) I really really like the TV show Glee. More like really love. It's original and the music on Glee can't be beat. As I am typing this I am also informing my husband that I want Glee Soundtracks Volume 1 and 2 for Christmas. Watch Glee, give it a chance, you won't be disappointed.

Ok I'm done now. I'm glad I got all those thoughts out of my head on this Tuesday morning. What are you thinking about this morning?
(Oh and Please comment on the Book blog I did before this one. I need as many suggestions as possible. Thanks!!)