So I have a lot of other stuff to catch up on from the last couple weeks but those all involve pictures and I don't have my personal computer right now so I will do those posts in a couple days. I just thought that I would blog about a few of our summer plans. Yes, I am not too happy about it. I have taken summer classes for 3 out of the 4 summers since I have been in college so I am a little bummed that I have to do another, but I just really want to get done and move back to California and this was the only way I could do that so here goes the 5th semester in a row!!! But I am really glad to be almost done with spring semester. I just have to put the finishing touches on a 9 page essay and turn that in tonight and I will be home free for a couple weeks. Sumer classes start up again on the 19th. I just took my last final this morning and it felt so good to walk out of that classroom knowing I won't have to be on campus for another couple weeks.
Don't get me wrong... I really do like the University of Utah. I am just starting to get really burnt out. I took 19 credits this semester and it just about killed me...literally there were a few times when I wanted to die!! (Just kidding of course). But let me just say one more time....YAY! I am loving my few weeks of freedom. Tomorrow I plan on having lunch with my sister...just the 2 of us. We haven't gotten to do that since she had my favorite niece Brielle. And after I am sure I will go back to her place so I can see my favortie niece for at least a little while.
Two...scrapbooking. I also plan on scrapbooking a lot! By a lot I mean the time from right after our honeymoon to now. I was very diligent in gettin our engagement months, wedding, reception and honeymoon done but failed to keep going after that. So I printed out about 150 pictures and loaded up on scraping supplies and plan to scrap until I fall asleep!! I know that I am going to probably print my blog out and get it put into a book, but there is also something very satisfying about making a scrap book with your own hands too so I am going to do both I guess.
Three...summer movies. Everyone knows that summer time produces the biggest blockbuster hits. So there are a few movies that Chad and I have had our eyes on. We kicked it off by seeing Wolverine on Saturday and it was awesome! We both really enjoyed it. The actors in it were all great. We especially liked Woverine, or Hugh Jackman, and Gambit, played by Taylor Kitsch of Friday Night Lights. I really liked him even before this movie so that was a plus.
We also plan on seeing Star Trek. I know I know. Believe me, I never thought I would see the day when I would actually want to see Star Trek but that day has come. I actually looks pretty cool. So that comes out this friday. It probably won't be an opening day movie for us but in a few weeks maybe. 
Last, but not least Terminator. Also, another movie I really never thought I would have any desire to see. As much as a love Arnold Schwarzenegger as Califnornia's govenor (sarcasm, just in case you couldn't tell) I don't really care for him in movies. It just do anything for me. But Christian Bale is certainly no Arnold so I think we should be safe to see this one. Although I did hear this clip on the radio of Bale. He was totally cussing a light guy on the set of the movie for getting in his shot. I think he might have overreacted a little, but who can blame him? He's Batman and now John Conner. That's gotta put you in a little bit of an angry mood right?

Four- the Fray concert. We saw them once already in California a few months after we started dating and we are super excited to see them again! They are playing at the Usana ampitheater in West Valley on July 18. So far no one wants to go with us...don't know why? the Fray are awesome. So it looks like we might be flying solo.

Five- camping! Chad and I have had camping stuff all ready since we got married but have unfortunately gotten very little use out of it. Now that we have the Jeep we figure we really need to go camping a lot this summer. Since my birthday is usually right around Memorial Day we figured it would be the perfect weekend to get some people together and go camping! We are thinking of going down to Moab but aren't quite sure yet. Any suggestions for good places to camp? We are kinda leaning toward Moab but who knows? I really want to go river rafting too so Moab would be good for that. Anywho...those are our summer plans that we are most definitely looking foreward to. Yay for summer we can't wait!!
Ok so I heard a rumor that you're moving? Are you moving? Is that right? To California or prior to CA? I'm sad!