Monday, May 18, 2009

Another semester...

When you are nearing the end of college it seems to go on forever!!! Spring semester actually went by pretty quickly for me and I did pretty well. I got a 3.3 which amounts to 3 A's, 2 B's and a C (stupid online class- I hate finance). I am really proud of myself for doing so well in all my classes while taking 19 credits, working part time and starting another internship! So today I start another semester, the last big one before I am done with my bachelors. Today I have my wheelthrown pottery class which I am really excited about! It should be really fun. Tomorrow starts the boring classes, mass communication law, my online fittness for life class and Intro to web design. Ok so I guess the only one I am not really looking foreword to is my Law class. We'll see how it goes.

On another note Chad has a new job. His old one was just not working out and he found out Home Depot was looking for someone for the summer which is perfect for us since we are leaving in August. So he applied, interviewed and got the job. He starts this week and is glad to be away from his old job. They treated all of their employees badly and it started to get really boring for him. So at Home Depot he will get more hours and be making more which is nice for us! My husband is always so diligent in taking care of us and I love him for that!

New things all around! I promise to post pictures of our trip to California very soon.


  1. Way to go, Clair! Glad to hear school is winding down, hope this semester will be easier. And tell Chad congrats on his new job...sounds like a great setup.

  2. Yay, on the grades! You go girl!

    How exciting for Chad to get a new job. I hope he likes it there!

  3. Yes, Clair, you should be so proud of yourself. You are doing a great job of everything. And you are right, it helps to have a super spouse!
    Love you
