Monday, October 18, 2010

A baby shower

Almost 3 weeks ago I flew by myself to Utah for a few days. My sister really wanted to come to my baby shower here next month but due to some complications in her own pregnancy is just won't be possible for her. So I decided to fly out and stay with her for a few days and while I was there my wonderful Sister-in-law Jill threw me my first ever baby shower!
Unfortunately we all were a little lame and dropped the ball with taking pictures. So we managed to remember when there were four people left. The Terry's should feel extra special!
The decor and food:
Jill made these cute covers to go over the water bottles. She is very crafty!
And me and my sis! I'm due January 3rd and She's due Feb 4th. So glad she could come to at least one of my showers!
Thanks so much to everyone that came to the shower! And sorry to the people I didn't get pictures of. :-(
It was a great first baby shower and I went away with many cute items to add to Afton's belongings. She is going to be one spoiled little girl.

A special thanks to Jill for all her hard work on the shower!


  1. Cute! I am looking forward to your baby shower in Modesto! You have such a cute belly bump!

  2. I am glad you had a fun little shower! It was so great of Jill to throw it for you! Still so sad I cannot come to the one in Modesto :( Oh and I love the shirt you wore to your shower too, I want it!

  3. Clair, you look so cute!! Good luck with the pregnancy!

  4. You looks so beautiful Clair! What fun to get to have a baby shower with your sister. Glad Afton is going to be going to such amazing parents - you guys will be great! P.S. Afton is one of my favorite names - loved it ever since I read The Children of the Promise series :)

  5. That is awesome you were able to come out here and see your sister and have a shower.

    I didn't know you were due in January. That isn't too far away! I love the picture of you and your sister at the bottom with both of your pregnant bellies! I love pregnant women! You both look so beautiful!
