Ok so I have seriously been working on this post forever! I don't know why it has taken me a month to finally finish it. Oh wait yes I do, I have been busy! But who isn't? Guess that's not really an excuse. So A month ago...over a month ago...we went to California for a long weekend because Chad's sister Emily was getting married. We got their on Thursday afternoon. We flew into Oakland and Chad's Dad picked us up from the airport because he was working in the vacinity. Then we ate at...In and Out Burger. Of course. It had to be our first meal in California. Then we went to the Temple grounds and waited around for the rest of his family to get there. Emily was getting her endowments later that night. So we walked throught the visitors center and looked at an art exhibit they had and watched a cheesy but good movie. His family got their shortly and then we went into the temple for the session. The session was wonderful and it was really nice to have his whole family together. It was a really good experience. After the session we went to a wonderful dinner at The Cheescake Factory. It was super late but we were all starving. It took a while to get their because we got the wrong directions so our car was a little peeved by the time we finally got their but the food was so worth it! I wish I would have gotten pictures from dinner but of course I forgot.
Friday we spent the entire say just getting ready for the wedding. I spent the good majority of the day helping with flowers. Chad's mom Michelle is w wonderful florist. (Side note: she also did the flowers for our wedding and they were beautiful too.) I tried to help out where I could. I would arrange the flowers in a vase and then ask Michelle what she thought. She would say ya its good and then end up moving most of the flowers around. But of course it alwasy looked better when she did it! By the end of it though she was only having to slightly adjust my vases so I felt accomplished. I loved doing the flowers but I don't have the natural flair that Michelle or Jill (Chad's sister) have. Anywho, here are some of the final products.

Doing the flowers....Jill and little Hannah (Chad's cousins Johnny and Lorna's 2nd girl).
Aunt Diane and her daughter Amanda (Chad's aunt and cousin on his dad's side.)

Brittney (Chad's cousin on is mom's side) and Jill.

Jill and Michelle getting ready for Emily to come out of the temple.

Yay their married! Can't you just tell how happy they are? I remember that feeling of pure joy.

I posted this one because I thought it showed her dress off nicely. My mom made Emily's wedding dress and the bridesmaid dress too. My mom is a very talented seamstress.

Jessica and her mom Aunt Kara outside the temple. (Jessica and Aunt Kara are Chad's cousin and Aunt on his mom's side.)

Sam, Aunt Diane and Mathew. These are two more of Aunt Diane's kids. We love this family! They are so much fun.

Chad and his mom. I love this picture even though Chad has his sun glasses on! We both are constantly wearing our sun glasses when there is even a remote amount of sun. Oh and his mom looked so pretty in her dress!

Aww...it wouldn't be a wedding post without a kissing picture.

Emily and her bridesmaids. (Her three sisters and Bobby's sister.)

The groomsmen and Emily and Bobby getting jealous. Or Bobby pretending to get jealous becasue we told him to.

Chad aka Elton John. I don't know why but he thinks its so funny when he does this. I guess I do to or I would have left this picture out of this post. I love my silly husband! He constantly makes me laugh with little things like this.

Brittney and me! I like this picture of us.

That night at the reception. Here are the happy couple cutting the cake.

And about to smush the cake in each other's faces.

The end. Sorry this post was so long. I just wanted to get all the details down so I wouldn't forget later.