Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More firsts...

Obviously with a new baby there are a lot of firsts... so here are a few more "firsts" for Afton...
1) First official yogurt trip...get used to those Afton because your mom loves Yogurt Mill ;-)
My friend Kelly was nice enough to grace us with her presence for the outing.
2) First trip to Sushi Garden. Sushi Garden is a Bringhurst family favorite. I'm not really into Sushi but their appetizers and teriyaki is very good. Afton had fun sitting in her carseat and watching everyone else eat!
3) First homemade hairband. Yes, I jumped on the bandwagon and tried my hand at hairbow making. And...confession time... I liked it...and I am pretty good at it so I think I will keep on doing it. Plus Afton looks pretty dang cute in them if I do say so myself.
4) First trip to the cabin and seeing snow. The snow thing she could really care less about, being as she is only 3 months old. But she LOVED the cabin. She loved being held all the time by my dad and she loved snuggling in her jackets and blankets to keep warm.
Below is her on the couch. I just thought she looked even smaller than usual... if that's possible!
Hanging with Grandpa, making silly faces. This is her "Mom, what did you do that for?" face.
Mommy and Afton. Thank goodness for self-timers or I don't think I would ever be in any pictures with Afton.
Daddy and Afton.
This was also the first time Afton got to try out her spiffy boots (another hand-me-down from her cousin brielle. Although I don't think they've ever been worn, so does that count as a hand-me-down? Let's just call them a gift.)
Afton fell asleep while Chad was holding her like this. It was super funny. She was OUT.

Then she fell asleep in a similar position with my dad. And if you notice Oliver is trying to bite my dads hand and play. He feels a little left out sometimes...
Then Afton had a blowout during her nap and got some of the said blowout material on my dads shirt...I'm trying to not put gross images in your head and I am also not trying to talk about my little girls (poop) on my blog for her to later read and get mad at me. So that's my way of saying it without saying it...get my drift?
Outfit #2 for Afton and my dad after the mess is cleaned up. Ha ha It just wouldn't be a day with Afton without cleaning up a diaper mess right?
Family picture outside the cabin...yes Oliver is included. After all he is our first(non-born) child.
We all were a little tired on the car ride home, including Afton... a few minutes after this picture she was asleep.
And Oliver's favorite pastime in the car... getting his nose prints on the glass and accidentally rolling down the window!


  1. Looks like lots of fun times! You are lucky Afton is such an easy baby, I am glad she is! She is so adorable! And your headbands are awesome! You should start selling them or something

  2. I just can't over how cute she is clair. I can't wait till I am able to hold her! You guys coming out to visit in utah anytime soon...? :)

  3. Lots of firsts! You don't realize how many firsts there are until you have a kid! It is so fun!

    I love all her pictures! So cute!

    Good job on the headbands! They are darling!

    Glad you had a good time at the cabin!

    I love the picture of you and Afton! You look fantastic!
