Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE to read. It's definitely my favorite pastime and I ALWAYS have a book in my purse...thus why I must carry a ginormous purse with me at all times (lately a ginormous diaper bag).
I must admit I love fiction the most. Don't get me wrong, that's not all I read, but it's what I love the most. There is something about delving into a fictional story with fictional characters. You can disappear from your own life for a little while, i.e. bills, fussy babies and long days. I love my life, but who doesn't need a break once and a while? And while I'm being honest, my baby really isn't fussy very I can't complain on that count. But the bills never end and the days are most certainly long.
So I like to curl up with a good book whenever I can. To give you an idea of how much I read: I have already read 15 books this year and am working on two more. Some are light reads, others are a little more dense which is why I am currently working on two. I started reading My Cousin Rachel
a while ago, before Afton was born, and still haven't finished it... I CANNOT not finish a book. It isn't in me... I just have to finish it or it bugs me. But I really liked the authors other, more commonly know book, Rebecca, that I read for my high school English class, so I picked this one up too. So I will finish it sometime... I like it, I do, it has a Jane Eyre/Pride and Prejudice feel with a murder mystery sort of twist but it is a little slower so that's why I keep putting it down and going back to it.
The other book I am currently reading, just started it yesterday, is The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.
I like it so far because of the journalistic background of the book. Makes me remember why I got my degree in journalism. But I am really not very far into so I can't say whether I will be returning it to Costco or not :-) They take anything back...
I also thought I would do a little recommending to those of you out there looking for something to read. I read a lot of what Barnes and Nobles calls Young Adult fiction. They are usually light, easy reads. Some adventure, science fiction maybe. It's what has been interesting me lately. But there are a few other books I have read this year that don't fall in that category to choose from. Oh and I love series if you couldn't already tell. I just love getting to know the characters for longer than a few hundred pages. By the end of it they are more like friends than book characters. Maybe I'm crazy?
1) Harry Potter series(7 books total)
I hadn't read this series all the way through in a long time and I thought it was time again. I loved them as always. Please read them if you haven't. Read them again if you already have.
2) Matched-
I would recommend this to anyone. It took me a few days to finish and was a really easy read. It is about a perfect society where arranged marriages are the norm. The main character, Cassia, is given her match but also falls in love with someone else. The second book Crossed comes out November 1st.
3) I am Number Four-
The movie just came out a month ago and while it was good, it has nothing on the books. The book is about aliens, which I know might seem a little too weird and sci-fi to some, but it's really not far-out-there alien. It's more handsome, likable alien. Get it? It is anther light read but very good!The next book in the series is The Power of 6 and it comes out August 23rd. Can't wait.
4) The Road-
Depressing, but powerful. But depressing. Seriously, get ready to cry during this one. The writing is really unique though and beautiful. It's a post-apocalyptic kind of story and does not have a happy ending. I would still recommend it, but it will definitely be a one-time kind of book for me.
5) Fallen & Torment-
These seem at first to be another Twilight series but they are very different. It's a love story but a little darker. It is one of those series that doesn't answer all of your questions, even by the end of the second book, so if that bothers you then you wouldn't like these. I really enjoyed the characters and the character development. The third book in the series, Passion comes out June 14th.
6) The Help-
Hands down the book I would recommend first out of this list. It is very different from anything else I have read lately. It is set in Jackson, Mississippi in the middle of the Civil Rights movement. The book is written from three different points of view. Two black women and one white women. It is refreshingly different and is surprisingly funny, entertaining and a little mysterious. PLEASE READ THIS BOOK. You will not regret it. It is a little slow in the beginning but picks up by the second half.
7) The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials-
I just finished these and my head is spinning. It is such a unique story and there are a lot of new terms and phrases. There is so much information to process that you will not be bored. I promise. This is another post-apocalyptic type of book. I would say it is aimed for a younger crown but I really enjoyed it. It is cleverly written and gives you just enough info and holds back just enough. The third book, The Death Cure, comes out October 11th.
So I like to curl up with a good book whenever I can. To give you an idea of how much I read: I have already read 15 books this year and am working on two more. Some are light reads, others are a little more dense which is why I am currently working on two. I started reading My Cousin Rachel

The other book I am currently reading, just started it yesterday, is The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

I also thought I would do a little recommending to those of you out there looking for something to read. I read a lot of what Barnes and Nobles calls Young Adult fiction. They are usually light, easy reads. Some adventure, science fiction maybe. It's what has been interesting me lately. But there are a few other books I have read this year that don't fall in that category to choose from. Oh and I love series if you couldn't already tell. I just love getting to know the characters for longer than a few hundred pages. By the end of it they are more like friends than book characters. Maybe I'm crazy?
1) Harry Potter series(7 books total)

I hadn't read this series all the way through in a long time and I thought it was time again. I loved them as always. Please read them if you haven't. Read them again if you already have.
2) Matched-

3) I am Number Four-

The movie just came out a month ago and while it was good, it has nothing on the books. The book is about aliens, which I know might seem a little too weird and sci-fi to some, but it's really not far-out-there alien. It's more handsome, likable alien. Get it? It is anther light read but very good!The next book in the series is The Power of 6 and it comes out August 23rd. Can't wait.
4) The Road-

Depressing, but powerful. But depressing. Seriously, get ready to cry during this one. The writing is really unique though and beautiful. It's a post-apocalyptic kind of story and does not have a happy ending. I would still recommend it, but it will definitely be a one-time kind of book for me.
5) Fallen & Torment-

These seem at first to be another Twilight series but they are very different. It's a love story but a little darker. It is one of those series that doesn't answer all of your questions, even by the end of the second book, so if that bothers you then you wouldn't like these. I really enjoyed the characters and the character development. The third book in the series, Passion comes out June 14th.
6) The Help-

Hands down the book I would recommend first out of this list. It is very different from anything else I have read lately. It is set in Jackson, Mississippi in the middle of the Civil Rights movement. The book is written from three different points of view. Two black women and one white women. It is refreshingly different and is surprisingly funny, entertaining and a little mysterious. PLEASE READ THIS BOOK. You will not regret it. It is a little slow in the beginning but picks up by the second half.
7) The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials-

I just finished these and my head is spinning. It is such a unique story and there are a lot of new terms and phrases. There is so much information to process that you will not be bored. I promise. This is another post-apocalyptic type of book. I would say it is aimed for a younger crown but I really enjoyed it. It is cleverly written and gives you just enough info and holds back just enough. The third book, The Death Cure, comes out October 11th.