Our fourth of July weekend was pretty uneventful...in a good way. So maybe that's why it took me a whole week to figure out if I even wanted to blog about it. But alas I am...so there must be something I want to say.
I have been tired lately to say the least. I am starting to get more energy but I really just wanted a relaxed three day weekend. I wanted to have fun but I also wanted to some basics that I have been to tired to do. You know, like dishes, cleaning the toilet, mopping floors. Our house has look like a tornado has hit it lately.
So the weekend was good because not a lot happened. Don't we all just need those weekends once and a while? We did manage to fit in a few fun activities in between all the relaxing. ;-)
Friday night we drove to Oakland and attended the temple...finally. We have been trying to go for the last three weeks and of course something else always comes up. But we finally did it and it was wonderful as usual. We always feel our household runs a little smoother and our snotty comments (ok, my snotty comments) and our annoying fights over nothing decrease a lot. I'm sure no one else has those fights that start over one person not rinsing a dish right? Well after we attend the temple those fights seem to stop..until we haven't gone for a while. Then they reappear out of nowhere and we know it's time for another temple trip.
I think the only time I think Oakland it beautiful is from the view at the temple. It was a beautiful day when we went.
Saturday day we went to Chad's parents house for a little family BBQ. It was nice and relaxing and the food was good which always helps.
Saturday night we wanted to see some kind of professional fireworks and the only place that was putting on a show was after the Modesto Nuts game. So we made the trip to the other side of Modesto and camped out behind the stadium with a million other people to wait for the fireworks to start. Chad's parents are frequenters to the Modesto Nuts firework shows and had been there the night before. They got there about 9 right as the show started. So we got there at 9 on Saturday thinking it would start at the same time. Well it didn't. Pretty soon it was 10 o'clock and the game showed no signs of being over. Everyone was getting restless and it was pretty crazy. Our next doors neighbors had 2 24 packs of Corona and were going through them pretty fast. They were also throwing around the F bomb like it was their favorite word. Oh and the best part was their cigarette smoke that lingered into our area. Not to mention they had a little girl who looked barely one with them. So I'm sure she was getting her fair share of smoke too. Nice huh?
So 10:30 rolls around and I've just about had it. Then...the corona and ciagarrette group next to us gets a few more visitors. It's this older couple so I think "ok this shouldn't be too bad." Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
The older guy has a trumpet. Yes, sign, a trumpet. And he's drunk. Already. So trumpet+ drunk old guy= really annoying. He starts playing salutes to each arm of the military and then continues to yell after each one, "lets hear it for the ___(fill in the blank, army, marines, etc). Then all of the other drunk people in the crowd start yelling/clapping/whistling. Ugh. Then when he's through with that he continues to play other patriotuc songs while chugging a corona and swaying around. Let's just say I was ticked and getting more upset with every song.
But the saga still continues. Pretty soon the police show up, thank you! They start making people with open beer bottles away and are making sure things don't get out of hand. Where were you an hour ago?
Finally to top our night off we got to see a man getting arrested, in front of his whole family I might add. Classy right? That was when I decided it was time to go. I didn't even care about the flipping fireworks at that point. I was tired, annoyed and I had to pee. And there was absolutely no way I was going to use the public bathrooms there. I have standards.
So we left after two hours of...that...without seeing fireworks. Oh well. Life goes on. At least we were safely out of the ghetto of Modesto before too much more started happening.
Again, refer to the picture above to know how we felt when we left.
Sunday was again, relaxing. Church, food, nap and then we went and did a few smaller fireworks with Chad's family again.
Monday I had the whole day off...PAID...yes. Unfortunately Chad had to work. First thing I did was take our deprived dog on a walk for some much needed exercise (for both of us). I slipped my house key in my pocket along with my iPhone for musical entertainment, strapped Oliver in his harness and leash, tied my tennis shoes and we were off. We had a very enjoyable walk but it was getting hot and I was ready to be in an air conditioned area. So we got to the front door and my house key is not in my pocket. Great...it is on the sidewalk somewhere over the mile or two we just walked. Plus our front office is closed for the holiday. So long story short we waited 45 minutes while someone came and gave us a spare key. I hated wasting so much of my day off but what can you do?
After I finally got back in the apartment my mom came over and we layed out by the pool and chatted. It's always nice to have some mother-daughter time. The only thing that was missing was my older sister Nichole :-(
And after that I cleaned! It was so nice to have a clean house. I felt instantly better that night. There is something about a clean house that just gives you a good feeling.
Oh and I even managed to make Chad a homecooked meal for a change. It's been a while. I missed my kitchen.
Low key weekend? Yes. Wonderful weekend? Yes. Thank you 4th of July for giving me a much needed recoup.
Ah, sounds like good times! :) I totally agree with you that everyone needs those kinds of weekends where you can just relax or clean. So sorry you missed the fireworks! But it sounds like you got out just in time!
ReplyDeleteOh I know what you mean on a lot of this post! I feel a difference when I haven't been to the temple in a while. When I go I am such a better person.
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing what people do when they are drunk! It is so sad how they make fools of themselves! And yes, it is annoying!
Sorry you got locked out of your house on your day off but you ended it perfectly with the pool, with your mom and a clean house! I too love a clean home!