Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A day in the life...

I wanted to record a day early on in my pregnancy, because let's be honest I won't remember it later unless I do. Especially because this particular day I will definitely try to block out of my memory. I didn't have it too hard. I wasn't sick constantly and I only got really sick a handful of times. And by week 11 or 12 I wasn't sick hardly at all and the only time I got nauseous was when I didn't eat enough (or when I had to clean left overs out of the fridge). But non the less I still had a few BAD days to go down in the history books and this is one of them:

6:57 AM- Can't sleep another minute because my bladder feels so full that it will explode. So I get up and do the obvious. I don't realize it's 6:59 when I lay back down. My alarm goes off one minute later. Ahhh!!! I hate that! So I push the snooze and sleep for 10 more minutes.
7:09 AM- I drag my tired self out of bed.
7:15 AM- Will it be jean shorts or stretchy cotton pants today? Stretchy cotton it is because the other's just feel to tight.
7:30 AM- I pour myself a bowl of cereal so I don't get too nauseous before I get to work. I eat it but don't enjoy it. I hate eating that early.
7:38 AM- I go to brush my teeth before I leave for work. I am VERY careful not to brush too far back on my tongue. If I do? I gag and then the i-need-to-throw-up feeling won't go away until I actually do. TMI. Sorry. But that's what happens....
8:35 Am- I have to pee again.
8:45 AM- The nausea hits me like a freight train and I rush to the kitchen at work to make myself a piece of toast.
8:55 AM- The toast doesn't quite curb the nausea so I get some apple sauce.
10:00 AM- Bathroom break
11 AM- Even though lunch is in an hour I am hungry again. I just can't wait. So I snack on some trail mix.
11:45 Am- I pee again before I leave for lunch. That should hold me until I get back to the office. Hopefully.
12:10 PM- I am driving home for lunch willing myself not to think about throwing up. I am so hungry (even though I only ate an hour ago) that I am sick to my stomach. I have to continually take deep breaths and think "you are fine. you will be home any minute now. Just a little longer."
12:15 PM- I make it home without any "incidents" in the car. I am grateful.
12:20 PM- I eat. Ahhh. Relief. No nausea.
1:30 PM- Another bathroom break...
3:oo PM- Another snack...This is the longest I have gone without food the whole day. Two whole hours.
3:45 PM- Another bathroom break...
4:00 PM- I am starving again but decide to wait until I get home to eat again. I just get so tired of fixing snacks. I can only bring so much food with me to work.
5:05 PM- I stop by my mom's house to water my garden, but I make a stop by the bathroom on the way to the backyard. Of course.

FYI the following story is not for the faint of heart. In other words it's gross but I want to convey it because looking back on it now it is slightly funny, only slightly. Also it's just one of those horror pregnancy stories that must be shared so that other's won't feel as bad about their horror stories.

5:30 PM- I am in my car driving home now. A few minutes away from home I cough a little. I have been sick and am still not over it. I have some dreaded phlegm in the back of my throat and it won't seem to go away. I start to panic...let me explain why. Phlegm normally= no big deal. Phlegm while I'm pregnant= makes me gag and throw up. So this starts to happen and I can feel my stomach heaving. No! This can't happen. I am driving the Jeep, in the open, where everyone can see. Plus I really don't want to clean throw-up out of my car because chances are that will make me throw up again. It will be a vicious cycle. So most likely I will end up asking Chad to do it and I don't want to make him do that. So panic is setting in...what do I do? I feel it coming....there it is. It can't be stopped. (This is the gross part...and stupid part. What was I thinking?) I try to swallow it because it's only a very small amount. SOOOOOOO NOT A GOOD IDEA. Makes it worse. It comes again, this time it goes in my hand. Still not in the car, whew. But now what do I do? So I pull over with one hand, the other has the well...you know... in it. I jump out of the car and continue to throw up on the side of the road. Meanwhile there are many cars behind me and I am mortified. I finish, sort of and luckily there is a rag in the jeep that I can clean up with. I get back in my car and drive the 30 seconds home. Oh yes, did I mention I was only 30 seconds from home? If only I could have waited 30 seconds right? I thought I was done getting sick but then I think about trying to swallow it and I get sick all over again. I get my key in the door and sprint to the bathroom. I barely make it. Finally I am done. I am a MESS. A TOTAL MESS. I feel so disgusting. I am surprised at this point that I haven't started crying yet but I feel too utterly exhausted to think about crying now. I clean up and call Chad and relay my horror story. Meanwhile sweet Oliver is sitting by me looking at me like, "Mom, whats wrong?"

6:00 PM- I am laying on the couch wishing my throat would stop hurting eating saltine crackers and drinking water.
6:30 PM- I tell Chad he is on his own for dinner. The only thing I can think of right now that doesn't make me sick at the thought of it is cereal. So I settle for cereal for dinner.

6:45 PM- Can you guess what goes here? It starts with a P and ends with I am soooo tired of doing this! I might be saving on tampons, but we, and when I say we I mean me, are definitely using twice as much toilet paper.
7:00 PM- I fall exausted onto the couch and will veg on TV for the next two hours maybe interspered with some dishes or laundry...who am I kidding...probably not. That will wait until the weekend.
10:00 PM- Chad and I crawl into bed. This is my favorite time of the day. Sleep time! I am comfy in bed and I am not feeling sick. This is the only time of day that I don't feel sick at all.

And that, that was my horror of a day. I haven't had one nearly as bed since and I am hoping to never have one again, because let's face it: it sucked. One thing I learned: Always keep a bag of some sort in the car with me.


  1. oh clairrr...i was just waiting for you to say you leaned over the side of the car and threw up while you were driving. that would have been disguting. call me if you ever need me to bring you some snacks or something.

  2. Believe me...stories like these are much funnier on the other end of being pregnant! Once I threw up while driving in the fast lane on the free-way! Luckily I had a cup in the car to catch it all...

  3. Yes it sounds like a typical day of pregnancy. Not fun! You are a trooper though and doing so good! I am glad the worst is over for now. The second trimester is the best and then you get miserable all over again the end of the third trimester! I swear we are both having boys!

  4. Oh no! I hope you stay feeling better. I almost got sick just reading about it :) Congratulations on your pregnancy. What an exciting event!

  5. Sorry things are rough right now. Hopefully you will feel better soon!
