Friday, January 29, 2010
Novel idea?
I finished City of Glass the third book in the Mortal Instruments series. It was good. Really good. I am a sucker for a good fantasy book I have found out. Why? I was thinking about that in one of my pre-bed thought sessions. I had just finished the book and was really happy and somewhat sad. I loved the ending but was thinking...'where will I now get my entertainment?' I love just getting lost in a book. It's like you are by yourself somewhere but all you can see are the pages of the book. Your surrounding are a little fuzzy. You might see a tree or a person but you aren't really paying attention. You know they are there but you don't really care.
When I am involved with a book I have a really hard time not finishing it as soon as I can. I just want to know what happens. I don't want the story to be mixed up with anything else. I am putting myself in the story. The characters are my friends for a few days and I am right along side them acting out their story.
That's how it is when I read a book I am really into. So sorry to my friends, family, husband, dog, kitchen, and work. Because when I have a book I like, everything else is on the back burner. (Ok so I obviously don't neglect my husband and completely ignore him, but you get what i mean right?) I sneak in a few minutes of reading whenever I can. And I mean whenever and wherever I can. I read all 3 450-500 page books in this series in a week. Thats how much I LOVE to read. I would say its my favorite past time. My love for reading is probably one of the major reasons I have such terrible eye sight. But I don't care. So where was i going with this.... oh yeah.
After saying all this, I will now say, I am realll really really jealous of novelists. I want to be able to do what they do. I want to have this fantastic idea and sit down and write a 500 page novel that completely sucks its readers in for days at a time and finally releases them when they have finished. I want to imprison people with a book I write. Is that crazy? I don't think so...but I don't know if that's my purpose in life. I love to write and I am good at it, but I don't know that I will ever call myself a novelist. But I can dream can't I?
Wow...I never know where I will go when I write. That was something way off topic than I was originally going to write. So thank you to Cassandra Clare for being a very imaginative person and having the ability and perseverance to write the Mortal Instruments series. I for one am grateful for my little vacation from life while reading them.
Oh now I remember the fantastic news I was going to post about....drum roll please... My sister Nichole and niece Brielle who I haven't seen in 6 months are coming to Modesto on Thursday for 11 days!!!!! Yay!!!!! I am so excited I can barely contain myself. I miss them so much! I am the lucky one that gets to pick them up from the airport. So next week will be great!
And i should mention why my sister gets to visit for that long. My awesome brother-in-law Chase left yesterday morning for Haiti. He was asked to go and help with the relief efforts. He is a EMT/firefighter so he has a good medical background that will allow him to help a lot in Haiti. So he will be there for 3 weeks so my sis decided to visit us to fill some of her time without him. We are so proud of Chase. He is an awesome guy and we couldn't be happier to have him in our family!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Polar opposites and Good Reads
Chad on the other better half in this an early kind of person. He HATES being late. And almost never is. He always is wanting to leave earlier than me to get somewhere early. He is really really good about this.
I want to be early, I just don't know if it is in me to wait... unless I have a good book to pass the time while I am waiting. That is the one exception I will make. Which brings me to my next topic: Books. I finished Breaking Dawn (4th book in the Twilight series) on Sunday. It Always makes me sad to finish that series. You get to know the characters so well during the four books and the fourth one is my favorite. It is so different from the other 3. More mature and defenitely so much new happening. So i was sad to finish like I always more Edward and Bella to fill the time.
BUT... I started another book Sunday. It's a series I have been wanting to start for a while called The Moral Instruments. I started the first book City of Bones on Sunday and finished it yesterday. It was great! I hate saying I read fantasy but that is what it is. But I also would classify Harry Potter and Twilight as fantasy so they are along the same lines as both of those series. I don't know why, but those kind of books just suck me in. Maybe it's because they are so unlike our real world and let's face it: Sometimes we need a break from the real world.
So the books are about Shadowhunters, or demon hunters. It sounds weird but it really isn't that much weirder than Harry Potter. The writing is really good and so it the story line. Very entertaining. There really aren't very many slow moments at all. It's a 500 page book but it really didn't seem that long at all.
I would highly recommend the first book. It didn't have quite the ending I thought it would but I can't say that I didn't like the ending. So I am dying to go and buy the 2nd and 3rd books tonight so I can start on those!
Whats in my purse?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Sunday was a good day. I teach the 5 year olds in our ward. They are really fun. I like being in the primary. This is the second time now I have been called as a teacher. The last time I taught sun beams and there were usually 3 on a good day, 1 on a bad day. That was hard. But now I have moved on up to the 5 year olds and there have been about 5 or the last couple of weeks. A couple are a handful *cough cough* the two boys. But I honestly love them already. They all have their own personalities and it's really fun being able to teach them about Christ and his church.
And yesterday Chad had his first night of his new EMT class. We are really hoping everything goes smoothly with financial aid so he can stay in the class. We're keeping our fingers crossed. I just puttered around the house last night and did some dishes and laundry. And I watched a little bit of Romeo and Juliet. Chad and I started watching it Sunday night and it just was too weird so we turned it off. All of the people who play the Capulets and Mantagues are weird! Not to mention the original dialogue of Romeo and Juliet mixed with the modern scenery, clothes and people. It was odd and annoying. So Chad and I were both looking at each other not sure if the other one liked it but we finally agreed to turn it off and laughted about it for a while. But then I got curious last night again. Because I really love Claire Danes. I love her not just because we share a name. I also like her because she is a really great actress. She has one of those alluring qualities, I just love watching her in movies. She is in Brokedown Palace. If you have not seen that movie you need to! So anywyas..back to Romeo and Juliet. Yes the movie is weird with the modern take but the parts with just Romeo (played by the wonderful Leonardo Dicaprio) and Juliet are wonderful. I actually like the old language in those parts. Shakespear really was a genious. I liked the balcony part with them so much it really made me want to go back and read the play. I think I just might.
And lastly I watched the Bachelor, and yes it is possible to have more drama than the first week. I will say this much, the Bachelor really knows how to entertain. One of the more skanky, fake blonde girls had an "innapropriate relationship" as Chris Harrison puts is, with one of the crew. Ha! How have they not thought of that before? It was sooooo funny! Don't get me wrong, i actually really like the Bachelor, Jake this season and want him to find his soul mate (slightly sarcastic emphasis on the last part of that sentence) but this was almost too much to handle. He looked like he was going to faint when he heard the girl was being sent home. The girl in question acted like it was ok and actually said to Chris when he confronted her that "her personal life was no one's business." Really? Really? And then all the other girls are all crying? I don't get it. Shouldn't they be happy because there is now one less girl and Jake is all vulnerable now and will make out with them? That's what I would think.
I was staring at the screen in awe, suprise and disgust the whole time. But lets be real...I will definitely be enjoying and watching every episode of the Bachelor this season. I am not ashamed.
That's all.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Calm, relaxed, happy
Friday, January 8, 2010
Thoughts of my mind
So now I have to deal with getting an oral surgeon approved through my insurance and setting up another appointment and getting the time off work again and possibly paying more because I am now going to an oral surgeon.
Needless to say I was VERY mad last night. For some odd reason I was so mad I almost started crying. I think it was just one of those nights where my tear ducts and my anger were REALLY attached. I am over it now but still a little cranky that I am at work right now instead of at home being lazy and watching moveis and reading New Moon. Oh well.
Something else that annoys me. Today is like January 8th and people are STILL wishing me a happy New Year. How far into January do we have to be for people to stop that?
Oh and don't you love when people grumble under their breath...but just loud enough so that you hear. They aren't just mumbling to themselves though....what they really want is for you to say whats wrong? Then they have free reign to complain to you about how horrible their life is.
My Co-workerd does that ALL the time! I hate it. I don't really care what's wrong. I am her co-worker, not her therapist.
She also will do this thing where she asks me a question. Then I answer. She barely listens or comments before she is giving me her answer to her own questoin. What she should so instead is say, 'Hey will you ask me this question? I really want to tell you what I think but I don't feel like hearing your answer. Thanks.' That would be much more honest of her and then I can just say no thanks. I hear your voice enough. Mean of me I know. I probably wouldn't actually do that. Hmmm.....
I was craving cereal for lunch yesterday. Which is weird because I grew up almost never drinking cows milk. My mom always had so or rice in the fridge, but never cows milk. And my dad would sometimes stock a gallon but it would usually expire before we drank it all. But since I married Chad milk is a constant in our fridge. I tried telling him that we should get soy or rice milk but who was i kidding? They really are not my favorite. And Chad Loves milk. His family are the drink-your-milk-with-everything kind of people. So when we got married I started having it more. And now it's just a normal part of life. And now I crave cereal for all 3 meals somtimes. Bet you wanted to know that long history of my life with milk. HA.
Birth control sucks. Ok the Pill sucks. I was just reading someone elses blog post about this subject and it is exaclty how i feel. The pill is known to slow down metabolisms and that is what happened in my case. And now my body just won't get back to the same it was prior to the pill. Can you slow then speed back up a metabolism? Don't even know if that's possible.
All I know is that I will NEVER go back on the pill. I think that our society relies to much on the pill to "Cure" everything. Acne? Go on the pill. Unregular cycle? Go on the pill. Some other health problem? Oh the pill could probably cure that. It seems like it is used more often for everything BUT preventing pregnancy. It is not good. Advice to those who are thinking of going on the pill (just in case you didn't already come to this conclusion from my rant). DON'T!
Ok that got a little too serious. Let's end these random thoughts of mine with something less important. Ok, something that really isn't important at all, but I'm thinking about it and that's what this post is about.
The Bachelor. It oremiered Monday and I hoped you watched it because boy was it entertaining. There seems to be more crazies than normal this season. Girls who start crying the first night? How much pressure can there really be the first night? Really?
Even though I got mad at Chad for making fun of it while I was watching I am sure I will make fun of it on this blog... A LOT. Shhh don't tell Chad. And despite being a stupid show...I will still watch it. I know it doesn't make sense...don't judge. That's what reality TV is for: to entertain. We all know it's not real and that 95% of it makes us want to puke from annoayance. But we still watch.
Thanks for reading... if you even got through all of that.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Holidays Galore

After our visit to my mom's house we met up with Chad's family and looked at Christmas lights. That was short lived...everyone was we headed back to Chad's parents house. Everyone finished their last minute wrapping (in my husbands case...he wrapped all of his gifts that night...slacker). Then the kids went to bed and us adults put out all the "santa" gifts. Then we visited and took naps (Ok, maybe I just took a nap on the couch because I was tired) and went to bed. Even though I am married and an "adult" doesn't mean Christmas morning isn't still exciting. It was fun waking up early and opening gifts with the Bringhurst's. We always open a gift at a time (for the most part, by the end the order is somewhat lost) so we can see each gift and what everyone got. I love this tradition. It makes it last longer and its just fun.
Chad got me the CD's on the left and becca (Chad's youngest sister) got me the brush set.

Late Christmas night Chad, Ariana and I headed up to my dad's cabin. We got there late that night. The next day we went snowmobiling in the morning and then later a bunch of family came up to the cabin.
New Years
Then we went to a New Year's Eve party at our friends Paul & Elizabeth's house. No pictures though.
Lastly ( I'm almost done...I promise!) we saw Avatar on Saturday. We saw Alvin and the Chipmunks first and then Avatar. Both were good but Avatar definitely beat Alvin by multiple stars. I wasn't terribly interested in seeing it. I had hear it was good and so I figured why not? It far exeeded my expectations. The cast was awesome. I LOVE Sam Worthington who plays the main character. He is also recently in Terminator Salvation. He is really awesome in this movie but so is everyone else. It did have some swearing which annoyed me but you can't have everything can you? Go see it!