Chad's job hasn't be so great lately. His work just doesn't have very many jobs right now so they have been cutting back his hours back here and there. But luckily my job is letting me work more hours to make up for it. So Chad just hasn't been happy at his job lately and has decided that he really doesn't like land surveying. So... drum roll please.. he has decided he wants to pursue fire fighting. I know, a little different from land surveying, out it is something he has wanted to do for a long time. He is already registered for an EMT class at slcc next semester. He is really excited. I admit I was a little hesitant at first. My sister is a fire fighters wife and it isn't the easiest, but I am still really happy for Chad. I just want him to do something that he enjoys every day. And even if he changed careers for more times before he finds what makes him happy, thats fine with me.
We are both really happy that our semester is almost over and we are excited just like every one else for the upcoming holidays. Tomorrow we will be driving up to Idaho to spend Thanksgiving with Chad's grandma Bringhurst and a bunch of his aunts, uncles and cousins. We are really excited because we haven't seen them in a while. Unfortunately, we will only be able to stay Wednesday night because I have to work on Friday and Saturday. I know, bummer. But oh well. Guess I won't be shopping on Black Friday. Darn I really wanted to get up at 4 am and then get in a fight with some lady in Wal Mart over a $5 movie and then have to stand in line for an hour just to pay for my $5 movie. Oh wait, I guess I'm really not upset that I have to work, except for the fact that I can't spend the long weekend with my husband. I'm sure he'll figure out something to entertain himself. Well thats really all I have to report other than posting some adorable pictures of my wonderfully cute niece. My sister came over on Saturday for a visit. It was Brielle's first visit to our apartment! Thanks Nichole!

Isn't she just so cute???

She wasn't feeling the camera in this picture...

She like her hand.

Oh and I forgot we also went to Chad's cousins house. Johnny and Lorna live in Pleasant Grove. We had a lot of fun watching the BYU vs Utah game and were the only one rooting for Utah. Good thing they won!

This is their cute daughter Lily and my goofy husband. Lily kept bouncing her head against the couch so Chad joined in and I got a shot of them being silly.

The pictures of you and Brielle are soooooo cute!! All my girls are photogenic. Just reading your blogs I can see what a good writer you are. And a dedicated and patient wife. Way to go daughter. Love you.
I was so impressed, when you 2 told us about Chad decision to be a firer fighter. What an awesome guy you have. He will be a hero more than once.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with you about the black Friday thing. I don't do it either. People are crazy. You cracked me up about the hour wait to pay for a $5 movie. So true!!
I forgot to tell you, that I love the pictures they are so adorable. You can tell you love kids. You are going to be a great mother.
ReplyDeleteYou are such a good wife. I am so proud of you! Way to be supportive of Chad. I hope he finds what makes him happy, I totally understand how he feels because that is how I was forever! I laughed my butt on your little piece about Black Friday! I HATE shopping on that day too. How can people think its fun? Love the pics of you and Brielle! She is my little pumpkin! Have fun in Idaho. I love you!