Tuesday, March 19, 2013

2 years (plus a little extra)

The fact that Afton is 2 years old blows my mind. Blows. My. Mind. Sometimes I wonder if it's actually true because it doesn't seem like it could be possible. I swear I was just walking around like a zombie from the lack of sleep. I swear it was just yesterday that she was learning how to crawl, walk and eat solid foods.
Now she is potty trained! She talks up a storm and has developed her own very distinct personality. And by distinct I mean, stubborn, silly, smart and energetic.
She is the most fascinating and hilarious child I have ever met. She is always surprising me and making me laugh. The phrase "the kids say the darnedest things" has never rung more true.

I started potty training her about a month after she turned two. I had many, many doubts but I decided to go for it anyway. Turns out she is a potty training genius or maybe I am? All I care about is that all of us made it through potty training with our entire brains entact. And the chocolate bribing only lasted a few days. Success!
Afton is also talking up a storm. She isn't the most precise or understandable with her talking but not for lack of trying. Her favorite phrases lately are "more cheerios," "watch Cinderella" and "mommy"(in a very annoying whiny voice).  She also has started to copy many of Chad's silly phrases such as "poop da loop." This is a Chad-ism so please don't ask me where he got it or why he says it. I have NO idea. What I do know is that Afton heard him says it over and over again and decided she too would like to say it when she went to the bathroom. I now have to remind my dear husband that she will repeat ANYTHING and we need to be just a little more careful about silly phrases we decide to teach her.
She also asks for her "Papas(Grandpas)" almost everyday. She is enamored with them to say the least.
Cheese is still her favorite food, which I am thinking will last a while, if not forever. She also has a particular affinity for Olives, Crackers, Pizza, Cheerios and "Juice"- which is her word for any kind of drink.
Every morning when she wakes up without fail she asks for a bowl of cheerios with Rice Milk and to watch "Rella" or Cinderella. Since I have been working from home this happens more than I would like. But the girl loves that movie! She will sit through the whole thing laughing at the mice and gasping when the evil stepmother does something evil. It never gets old to her, which means I put up with it because that is uninterrupted. Mom of the year, I know.
Afton will often hit me and say "no!" Sometimes for a good reason and sometimes for no reason at all. But almost always it is followed with a sweet sorry and a hand stroking my face. Sorry is actually another one of her favorite words. She doesn't always use it in the right context though. She says it whenever she drops anything. I asked her to throw a piece of celery in the garbage and on the way she dropped. She turns to me says sorry and picks it up and throws it away successfully. She just makes me laugh so much.
She is still attached to me at the hip. She is always wanting to sit on my lap. Her way of telling me this is just simply saying lap and then expecting me to drop everything and let her. I'm sure it's no surprise that she gets pretty upset when it doesn't happen that way.
She is getting better about being nicer to Oliver but she still has her moments of doggie-torture. But Oliver is so sweet with her. She could pull his ears/tail/legs really hard to the point of hurting and he still is patient and only yelps. He has never even thought about doing anything else even though he is probably entitled to most of the time. Dogs really have it hard. A sibling could totally defend themselves but poor dogs just have to take it.

All in all Afton is the most wonderful daughter I could ask for. I'm sure there will be many more temper tantrums and funny new phrases in the future and I can't wait for each one.


  1. Crazy how fast this kids grow up! Good job on the potty training.

  2. It really is insane that she is two. And I loved Cinderella too, it was always one of my faves.
