Garbage day is Thursday.
Which means we need to put the garbage can out Wednesday night.
Last night we are already in bed asleep and I remembered we hadn't put the garbage can out.
I tell Chad and he starts to climb out of bed (I love him) but I tell him to lay back down and say he can just do it in the morning. He happily grunts and rolls back over and falls fast asleep.
Thursday morning rolls around and Chad leaves for work at 4:30 am (poor guy) but doesn't put the garbage can out. I will let it slide because of the 4:30 am thing. I can barely function at 8:30 am.
Well 7:45 rolls around and I am torn from sleep by the garbage truck beeping down our street. I swear they install that beeper on all the trucks to wake up the snoozers who forgot to put out their garbage cans. Right?
So I literally jump out of bed and luckily Afton is just waking up next to me (she got in bed with me at 4:30 because she woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep in her crib. Give me a break ok? She was also up at 1:30 as well. Teething, not fun.)
So I throw some clothes on, grab Afton, run downstairs and plop her in front of baby einstein for a few minutes while I sprint to get the garbage can out front.
And then I see the garbage truck lazily making it's way down out street. It already came by our house. Ugh.
Our garbage can is full so waiting until next week is out.
I don't think the garbage man would appreciate me running after him, nor would be self esteem appreciate me running after him. That's out.
I checked our neighbors can across the street. Success! Still full.
So I trudge our can across the street and hope I can fool the garbage man into thinking my neighbors have two garbage cans. I'm new to this whole "garbage can" etiquette thing.
I have no idea if this is allowed in garbage can land.
Then I make my way back inside to find Afton happily staring at Baby Mozart, who by the way, is a very gifted musician and is one of my heroes because he can entertain my daughter while I am doing the dishes... or fixing breakfast, or dinner... or cleaning the toilet. You get the picture. And don't worry I DO spend more time with my daughter then Mr. Mozart, I promise.
So I feed Afton nectarines for breakfast. She manages to get more on her nose/hands/feet/hair/anything else in the vicinity than she does in her mouth.

This is a common occurrence lately. All the while I am stealing glances across the street waiting for the garbage man to get to my neighbors house.
Finally he does and it's the moment of truth.
In goes my garbage.
Success again!
I think I may have actually done a little dance and whooped.
Then it hit me.
Dang, I'm sad. If tricking the garbage man into emptying my garbage is something to get excited about, it's going to be one of those days.
You know, the ones that make you so tired to the bone that you fall into bed exhausted.
Or maybe, it was one of those days yesterday and that's why I am getting so excited about garbage and the fact that I found a loophole for procrastinators like me.
What I am getting at it is, sometimes we need to celebrate the little victories in life or else we let the little failures (i.e. Afton spitting her food out and making a COMPLETE mess EVERY meal, Afton waking up every 4 hours at night, Oliver pooping in Afton's room, Oliver eating a poopy diaper I accidentally left on the coffee table) in life get us down.
So I WILL be happy about my garbage success and I WILL NOT feel like a loser for it.
Thank you very much and have a good day.
Oh and don't forget to put your garbage can out?