So this was my Saturday to work... and it's pretty slow... so I thought I would blog. This week has been rally crazy...and I assume that is how its going to be the rest of this semester. But it will be well worth it when I will be done in 2 more semesters. Not sure if I blogged about this, but I am hoping to get an internship with one of the church magazines. I found out about it in December, I think.

Anyways, it is a full time paid internship. They have 5 positions, one at each magazine (Ensign, New Era, Friend and Liahona) and then also a writing/editing internship. So I have really been looking foreword to applying and putting together a portfolio. So last week I called the person in charge of everything to find out exactly when the application would be posted online and I got some bad news. She told me that because of the current economy, the church had a hiring freeze and there was a good chance that they would not hire paid interns. So there might still be a non-paid part time internship or not at all!!
I was heart broken. I had been looking foreword to this for months and was basically planning everything, including school and credits, around it. So she told me to call back in a week and she would have some definite answers for me. So the day comes to call her and I don't have much hope... but.... I got really good news.
It turns out the the decision went all the way up to the first presidency, but the internships ended up being approved! I was and still am ecstatic. So the process is a little long, but I should find out in a couple months, after applying, interviewing and submitting a portfolio, if I got one of the 5 internships. I am really really hoping I do. I told Chad that I would probably cry for a week straight if I didn't and then he assured me I would.
This has been my dream for so long...since well I can't really remember. When I first wanted to be a journalist I wanted to travel and be really famous. Then I got married, so I had to adjust my plan somewhat. And also, now that our world and newspapers are going down the tube, I really have no desire to write depressing articles in the local newspaper about death and murder. So my only option I can think of right now is the church magazines. They are uplifting and positive and I feel I could actually make a difference with a job like that.
As you can see I am pretty passionate about this and that is why it turned into a long ramble. Sorry. So anyways, keep your fingers crossed for me!
Ok so I wasn't really planning on blogging about that. I was going to blog about the fact that CHAD GOT A JOB!!! YAYAYAYAY! A lot of you probably don't know that Chad was out of work, so this may come as a surprise. We didn't really talk about it because we didn't expect it to be so long. Chad worked for an engineering company as a land surveyor and the work really slowed down when winter got here. So in December they "gave" him two weeks off. This was a blow to us. We are a newly married college couple who struggle to get by but somehow we did get by even without that paycheck. So Chad goes back to work after the two weeks, but there is still no work. So he is being sent home every day after a couple of hours.
So he decided to start looking for a new job. That was at the beginning of January. He just now found a new job and we couldn't be happier. He found a job as a non-emergency medical transporter. Basically he will transport patients around. This is equally exciting because Chad is taking his EMT class right now so that he can become an EMT/firefighter. So this job will look really great when he is trying to get hired onto a station.
We are very relieved and know that we owe our Heavenly Father a great deal. Without him, we couldn't have survived the last month and a half physically, mentally or financially. We somehow always had enough to get by even with only one income. Also I want to thank everyone that kept us in their prayers and finally my dad. He very graciously offered to pay our car off so that we could pay him monthly and not pay interest. This has been a big blessing for us! We love you dad!
So yeah Chad starts on Monday and he is soooo excited to get out of the house. He was going crazy. All in all life is great for us. We are of course going to a super bowl party on Sunday. I can't say that I am excited to actually watch the Super Bowl but it will be fun to eat of course and to visit with Chad's aunt, uncle and cousins. Super Bowl is overrated. I have a hard time liking pro football especially now. I will explain. Football players get paid millions of dollars to what? Throw a football? I don't think that warrants being a millionaire. So they get paid this much when there are millions of unemployed people across the nation. It's pretty ridiculous if you ask me. But I will bite my tongue and watch it anyways to make my hubby happy. I just can't wait!! (sarcasm)