New TV:
Revolution- your typical end of days plot but intriguing and good acting.
The Mindy Project- Hilarious! That's all I have to say.
Nashville- I just really like Hayden Panettiere. She was great in Heroes and this one too. And who couldn't love Connie Britton from Friday Night Lights. Plus good country music :-)
New Girl- Not exactly new, it's the second season. But it has easily become my favorite show. Please watch!
Scream-Free Parenting- the title says it all and most parents realize they need to keep their cool when raising their children but it always helps to be reminded. This is a refreshing take on parenting.
Five Love Languages- again, most people realize marriage is work and we should always be thinking about how to better ourselves and love our spouses but this is a completely new idea to me. We all love differently and express it differently and in order to have the best marriage possible we need to explore these different ways of loving.
Rock-A Bye Farm and The Moon in My Room- obviously (I hope) Afton's favorite books lately. They are sweet and great bedtime books. I am so happy Afton loves reading books now.
Homemade Pizza- Made the dough and sauce and topped with Mozzarella cheese, cherry tomatoes and olives. Our favorite!
Crunchy cabbage and apple salad- sweet, crunchy and healthy!
Trader Joe's Eggplant Hummus, Multi-Grain Pita Chips and Cinnamon Apple Sticks- Trader Joe's is great for snacks, what can I say?
Banana Oatmeal Choc Chip Cookies- Flourless, vegan, almost sugarless cookie. My favorite go to healthy cookie.
Afton's antics:
I Love You's- Is there anything better than your child learning to say I live you? I think not. Oh wait, maybe if they make up their own actions. That's better.
Lego's- She likes to put these in the funniest places. Exhibit A: Dad's toes.
Hand Holding- I might be encouraging her to hold hands with all her little boy friends. Abram loved it as much as she did!
Friend time- We have a nice play group here established and I just love seeing Afton interact with all her friends. They especially liked the hot tub.
Family Time:
Sunset walks- Santa Rosa never runs out of beautiful places to see. We have been trying to take as many walks as possible, soaking up the end of summer nights.
Conference Cuddling- we had a wonderful two days of cuddling (and sleeping, chad, cough, chad) on the couch and listening to amazing talks from our General Authorities of the Church.

Life is sometimes hard, but mostly lovely. Life is sometimes loud, but mostly filled with love. Life is sometimes filled with things we hate, but mostly filled with things we love.