Do you ever just know that two people(ok, a person and a dog) are going to be best friends when they get older?
Do you ever just know it's love at first sight?
Do you see the sparkle in their eyes when they look at each other?
Enter Oliver and Afton:

This little girl...

And this cute doggie...

Love each other already.
Like I said, it was love at first sight (mostly for Oliver. Afton didn't have her eyes open very much so he took the lead in the relationship...)

So they met... and Oliver was hooked. Whenever her door was closed he would whine to get it.

He often gets into his "begging" position. This means he wants something. Lately, that something has been Afton.
He also likes to sneak in the pictures I'm taking of Afton. Maybe he wants to make sure he is documented in every step of her life?

Again, with the sneaking...

Chad can't cuddle with Afton on the couch without Oliver too. Some might think Oliver is jealous of Afton, but I personally think he is jealous of Chad. :-)

Whenever she lays on the floor, Oliver is always close by. Never too close mind you...he seems to know what is too close. We hardly every have to scold him for getting in her face.

And of course he tries to sneak a kiss whenever he can...but can you blame him? Look how cute she is!

The most endearing part of this relationship however is his constant attention. Last night we were trying to get Afton to sleep. We would put her down and she would wake up and cry. Repeat x5. Oliver sat in the hallway the entire time looking at her door. I think he sensed that she was upset and wanted to make sure she was ok. It was so sweet.

In my opinion, dogs really are mans best friend. I think we don't give our pets enough credit. I really believe that our pets know us and want to make us happy, even the new additions to the family. Should I say especially the new additions.
Here's to Oliver and Afton: best friends in the making.
(We'll see how much he likes her when she learns to crawl and pull his ears!)